Type Of Creatures In This Story

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Celtic Druids, also known simply as Druids, are a group of humans, who are dedicated to maintaining the balance of nature by spending a lot of their lives studying the supernatural world and the mystical arts. Legend has it that many Druids have had a connection to Werewolves dating back thousands of years, and as a result, they are known as Emissaries, or advisers, to Werewolf packs, giving them guidance in their supernatural lives while also keeping them connected to their humanity.

Type A Werewolf aka Children Of The Moon

The Children of the Moon, also known as werewolves, are human beings that at night and during the fullest phase of the moon transform into fearsome feral wolf-like creatures. 

Werewolves, unlike shape-shifters, have the strength and power to kill a vampire single-handedly. Their strength coupled with their inability to control the shift into their wolf forms makes them extremely dangerous and resulted in many vampires fearing them.

This fear leads to the Volturi nearly eradicating all werewolves from Europe and Asia.

Type B Werewolf

Type B Werewolf is a type of shapeshifting creature that was created by Zeus who cursed a man name Lycaon along with his fifty sons turning them into werewolves due to Lyacon tricking Zeus into eating human flesh, 

Lycaon and his sons sought out the Druid, as they were rumored to have a gift for shapeshifting and Lycaon hoped that they could help them undo the curse.

Though the Druids were unable to remove the curse, they were able to help Lycaon and his sons shift back and forth from human form to Werewolf form. 

Due to their assistance, some Druids elected to work with Werewolf packs, helping them maintain their humanity and guiding them through their lives as lycanthropes, which led them to become called Emissaries. 

It is unknown if this legend is actually true or if it is simply a work of fiction, but regardless, Druid Emissaries continue to act as advisers to Alphas and their packs in real life to this day, though in most cases, only the Alpha knows who the Emissary is. 


Shape-shifters, often mistaken as Type A Werewolves, are descended from the ancient spirit warriors of the Quileute tribe. Back then, warriors and chiefs could leave their bodies and wander as spirits, communicate with animals, and hear each other's thoughts. 

However, a change impacted the tribe members hugely during Taha Aki's leadership and permanently changed their powers to shape-shifting into giant wolves.

When a member of the current generation comes across the scent of vampires, his physique will build before he phases for the first time. Shape-shifters of the Quileute tribe are also called Quileute wolves.


The Werecoyote is a species of human-animal hybrid that is distantly related to the Type B Werewolves, It is unknown if they can gain power from being in a pack or if an Alpha can draw upon more power with a Werecoyote in its pack; however, an Alpha's roar has the same effect on a Werecoyote as it does on a Werewolf, forcing the shapeshifter in question to transform or allowing them to fight through the pain and other weaknesses to order to shift

Additionally, the Werecoyote shares the same kind of family classification as Werewolves as well, because mundane coyotes and wolves are both canine creatures. Werecoyotes have the power to shift their features into that of a coyote, with pointed ears, furry sideburns, Glowing eyes, fangs, and Claws,


Werejaguars, also known as the Nagual, is a species of Type B Werewolf. The lore behind the Werejaguar is based on the Aztec legend of Tezcatlipoca, a god who has a strong connection to jaguars

Some say that there are more Werejaguars in Mexico in the area around La Iglesia, a church built over the ruins of an Aztec temple to Tezcatlipoca, who is said to be the Werejaguar god. 

It is also unknown if Werejaguars can turn humans into more of their kind, due in part to the mystery as to whether they have a hierarchy within their species like Werewolves do, with Alphas being the only ones who can turn humans into Werewolves or other shapeshifters through a bite or scratch.


The Kanima is a type of human-animal hybrid that is reptilian. It is considered a mutation of the Type B werewolf gene, though how exactly they came to remains a mystery. 

The Kanima is known to be used as a weapon of vengeance. The legend in question detailed a South American priest who took control of a Kanima and used it to rid his village of murderers. The more the priest and master influenced the Kanima, the symbiotic bond between the two grew until the Kanima began killing whomever its master wanted, regardless of whether or not the victim had taken a life.

The Kanima is essentially a Type B Werewolf whose transformation has somehow "gone wrong;" it is believed that this is a result of the personal demons in the Kanima's past, which for some reason caused the human to mutate and take on a more reptilian form. 

Unlike a Werewolf, who is predisposed to seek out a pack (as it both makes them more powerful individually and provides them with a support system of fellow Werewolves who are closer to them than family), the Kanima is an inherently subservient being who seeks out a master to control its actions.


The origin of vampires remains a mystery. In the Twilight Universe, vampires deviate from traditional myth; a fact often referenced in the series, usually for humor. 

For example, all vampires have refined and perfected physical features (including their scent and voice), allowing them to lure in prey.

Their skin is flawless and textured with a marble-like substance much harder and stronger than granite. 

Due to the crystalline properties of their cells, when a vampire is exposed to sunlight, their body will sparkle like diamonds. 

For vampires who feed on human blood, their eyes reflect a deep red, as opposed to those who drink animal blood, whose eyes will reflect a medium gold color. 

Vampires also possess superhuman powers, such as speed and strength. 

They also have incredibly keen senses and can hear for miles and see in total darkness.

Vampires are indeed immortal unless destroyed. Unable to sleep, they spend all days and nights awake. 

After transformation, a few vampires show special abilities such as foresight or telepathy, usually a prominent personality or physical trait magnified from their human life. 

Most of them, however, do not. Vampires are unharmed by garlic, holy items, or wooden stakes; they have reflections and shadows and can walk freely in the sunlight without being physically damaged by it.

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