Reunion : Archons (pt 1)

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"So your telling me..your supposed to be the god of WISDOM..and your a KID?" Venti giggled.

"Listen, Barbatos. I may be as tall and in the same shape as a child but I can guarentee, I am smarter than you." Kusanali replied looking smug with her arms folded.

"You just got roasted Ven, whatcha gonna do about it?!" Ei yelled excitedly, attracting the attention of a Stonehide Lawachurl.

"OKAY I MAY BE SMART BUT I AM NOT GOING TO FIGHT THAT THING, THAT IS FOR SURE!" Kusanali sprinted behind Venti, pushing him into the giant Lawachurl, forcing poor Zhongli to kill it before it could one-shot Venti.

All whilst Ei ate Dango with Raiden (who she had to force)




"It's nice meeting with you guys! ...and the kid. "  Venti murmured, wanting to be petty for no reason at all whilst poor Kusanali ignored him.

"Morax? You have not spoke in a while. Is there something troubling you?" Kusanali asked, turning her attention to the man sat criss cross apple sauce leaning on his arms, looking up to the sky.

"I wonder..oh I wonder..will the other archons ever rise to see the
we have been able to for all these years."
Zhongli recollected infront of them, standing up and touching the cold rivers of Watatsumi Island.
"Bro shaddup we do not care" Ei mumbled.




"Oh..uhm Her Exellency? We have a bit of a situation here.." The General Of Watatsumi relayed to Sangonmiya Kokomi, The Divine Priestess.

"What is this problem you speak of, Gorou?"

"Well, 4 archons THE HOLY ONES are asleep near one of the rivers near Sangonomiya Shrine, to be specific, there's Barbatos, Morax, Ei, and..Lesser Lord: Kusanali." Gorou replied confused reading an card next to Kusanali

"I have heard of 3 of them..but Kusanali? I ponder..who are you. Lesser Lord: Kusanali?" Kokomi asked before ordering Gorou to bring them to the shrine.

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