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Archon/Dainsleif Quest (Abyss Princess/Sister)

After defeating 95% of the Abyss Lector's HP, Xiao ran up to it to deal the final hit with Aether standing behind him. Suddenly, a wide, purple portal opened and the figure blocked the attack headed for the Lector.

"Princess..." The Lector muttered as he bowed down towards the figure emerging from the portal.

" were supposed to protect him.
That was the mission I assigned you, no?"
The blonde girl asked annoyed with her arms crossed.

"But Princess..he fought me and nearlier killed me. I must take reven-"

"And completely disregard my word and warning?"
She said, interupting the Abyss Lector, before turning to Xiao, Aether, Dainsleif and Paimon.

"Is that who I think it is?!" Paimon questioned.

"...Lumine?" Aether whispered,

" dear brother."

"I've missed you so much!" Aether said taking a step closer.

"Hold on..Aether..your sister blocked Xiao's attack against the she..with the abyss?" Paimon said holding Aether back.

"Hello once again..Lumine." Dain said, turning away.

"Dainsleif. Listen to me Aether, you can not trust this man." Lumine warned her brother suspiciously.

"Why not?" Xiao asked, who had been listening to everything.

"Well if you must know...this man failed to protect his nation..the nation of Khaenri'ah."
Lumine explained.

"And besides..who must you be?" Lumine asked, turning her attention to the Adeptus.

"I'm Xiao." He replied.

"Well obviously I know that. I have watched over my brother ever since we arrived. Let me ask again but more specifically. Who are my brother? Lumine said raising her eyebrow.

"Ah..." Aether sighed.




"Aaaand this is awkward.." Paimon mumbled, finally breaking the silence.

"Well he's my..." Aether muttered embarrassed.

"OH MY GOSH PAIMON HATES THE SILENCE! OKAY OKAY XIAO IS AETHER'S BOYFRIEND! Oops..that sounded so much better in my head..hehe.." Paimon said as everyone turned to look at her.

"Boy..friend? Ah..I figured. It was obvious you were gay since we started to travel together, Aether , believe or not." Lumine giggled.

"WHATS THAT SUPPOSED TO MEAN, LUMINE?" Aether shouted, even more embarrassed than before, so embarrassed infact he was turning red. And so was Xiao.

"Anyways brother, I wish you the best..with you companion and your boyfriend. I tell you to not trust Dain, but if you do, I will always protect you." Lumine sighed as she turned around whilst walking into the portal as the weak Lector followed.

"Wait! Lumine!" Aether called out to her.

Before the portal closed, Dain chased after Lumine.

Afterwards, Aether stood there. Thinking about all his adventures with his sister. The one he missed so much.

"It will be alright, Traveller." Xiao said comforting him and pulling him into a hug.

"Thank you Xiao..and thank you Paimon."

"Paon is glad to help..always.." Paimon sighed.




" AWW NOW IM GONNA CRY!" Paimon screamed wiping her tears away.

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