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Lunch time..

Wilbur and Y/n had a few classes together as they found out. Y/n felt sort of bad for not having a clue he was there but Wilbur didn't take offense. The two were walking to the lunch room, until, "Y/N!" Someone yells out, making the two stop and look to see who it was. Fundy was walking towards them.

Once he gets to them, Fundy and Y/n hug and start talking. "How's class been so far? I heard you yelled at some of the girls in the first period." The three walk together to the lunch room. "Yeah, they were being arseheads to Wilbur." Fundy is confused on who this "Wilbur" is and asks. "Who's that?" Wilbur rolls his eyes and looks at him. "Me. I'm Wilbur, I've been here the entire time." He is annoyed that Fundy is taking away Y/n's attention.

Fundy and Wilbur have a small staring contest and they finally get to the lunch room. "Alright, let's just get our food so we can go to the roof, alright?" Y/n says, breaking eye contact to look at him.

After getting the food..

The three sit down at an empty table and Fundy quickly starts a conversation with Y/n before Wilbur can. "Anything new with music? I know you said you were learning to play an acoustic guitar." Fundy asks. Wilbur looks at Y/n. "It's going alright, a bit annoying that mum won't let me buy one to practice at home." He says in a sadder tone.

Wilbur debates to comfort him but before he could, Fundy grabs Y/n's hand. "It's alright Y/n. Plus, you can always come to my house for a place to get away from her." Y/n chuckles and smiles. "True, thanks dude." Fundy smiles and moves his hand away and the two continue to talk.

"He's taking Y/n away from me.." Wilbur thinks. He wants Y/n to be his, only his! Wilbur has an idea and taps Y/n's shoulder. He turns to look at him and rubs the back of his neck. "I actually play the acoustic guitar.. So I could help teach you if you want..?" Wilbur says. Y/n looks surprised but smiles quickly replacing the look. He hugs Wilbur and he hesitantly takes in the embrace.

"I'd love that Wilbur, thank you!" Y/n says, moving away from Wilbur. "N-No Problem!" He was having an eternal gay panic. I mean, how else would he react? "Anyways.. Y/n, you have a Rugby game next month right?" Fundy jumps in. Y/n turns to face Fundy and Wilbur glares at him. "I do. I have practice after school."

Wilbur looks at his notebook with some songs in it and smiles. "I have to go Y/n, Niki wanted to talk when I finished lunch." Fundy says as he gets up. "Alright, tell her I say hi! I haven't seen her in a while." Fundy nods and walks away. A silence falls over the two before Wilbur speaks up. "So, You said earlier that you wanted us to hurry and get food so you can go on the roof?" He says, making Y/n look at him. "Oh yeah! You wanna come with me?" Wilbur immediately answers. "Yes! I mean, sure, yeah, why not." Y/n chuckles softly and the two get up. They leave the cafeteria and head to the stairs. Once they get there, Y/n nudges Wilbur's arm. "Race you there!" He says before running up the stairs. "HEY!! THAT'S NOT FAIR!!" Wilbur yells as he starts running up as well.

The two boys laugh as they run up, getting looks from students they pass, not giving a care in the world. "COME ON WILBUR!!" Y/n yells, still laughing. Y/n gets to the roof first and waits for Wilbur, who opens the door after a few seconds. "I win." He says, trying to catch his breath. Wilbur smiles and stands up. "Yeah well you cheat..-" When he looks at Y/n, he's leaning against the wall, arms at his side, his head leaned back against the wall and back arched a bit, his chest rising and falling at a slower pace.

A blush forms on Wilbur's face and Y/n looks at him after he catches his breath. "Yeah, maybe I did." He says, sliding down the wall to sit on the floor. Wilbur stays standing by the door, looking at Y/n. He notices and laughs softly. "Take a picture, it'll last longer." Wilbur quickly looks away, his heart beating quickly.

"Come on, sit." Y/n pats the ground next to him and Wilbur does as he's told. The two talk and lose track of time, they don't hear the bells or anything. After a little while, they stay silent, enjoying the fall breeze. When about 10 minutes pass, Y/n looks at Wilbur to see he's asleep. Not realizing, he begins to stare at him.

He hadn't really noticed many of his features because of class and their little interactions throughout the day. But he was really cute. He was wearing a formal white button up shirt with regular black dress shoes and pants, some black gloves, and golden rimmed circle glasses. His hair was a dark-ish brown that was short and curly that was hidden underneath a black beanie.

Y/n felt a tinge of heat to his cheeks and looked forward. He barely knew Wilbur, what he did know was that he was nice and caring. Y/n felt something press against his arm and looked to see Wilbur had his head laying there. He couldn't help but smile at this. No one else was up there, teachers never went on the roof either, plus he was really tired. Y/n shuts his eyes and he drifts off to sleep.

2 hours later..

Y/n begins to wake up to the sound of students talking. He wakes up fully and takes his phone out to see the school day has ended. Y/n looks to Wilbur to see he's still asleep. He shakes Wilbur a bit, "Wilbur, Wilbur wake up!" He says. He starts waking up a bit but just latches onto Y/n's arm. Normally he'd just laugh but if he was late to the bus, he'd have to walk home, which is never a good thing.

"Wilbur!" Y/n says again. Wilbur finally gives up and looks at Y/n. "what..?" Wilbur's voice was tired but he still got off Y/n quickly after realizing he was on him. "We have to go! School's over!" Y/n says as he starts getting up. Wilbur follows along and the two race back to the first floor of the school.

They grab their bags and begin running out of the school. "SHIT!" Y/n yells, slowing down once at the front of the school. "What's wrong?" Y/n sits on the curb, his face in his hands. "My mum's gonna kill me..." Is all he says. Wilbur sits next to him and hesitantly puts a hand on his shoulder. "I can walk you home if you want..?" Wilbur suggests.

"That's not the problem Wilbur! The problem is that if I'm home late my mum is going to be pissed, and I missed my bus so no matter what happens I'll be late." Y/n's voice begins to shake, worrying Wilbur. He hesitantly wraps his arms around Y/n and he looks at Wilbur. "Then let me change what I said, let me stay overnight.. If I'm there, I doubt she'll do anything.."

Wilbur really just wanted to get rid of his mum but he also wanted to be in his beloved's room. "Alright, thank you Wilbur." Y/n smiles and gets up. Wilbur gets up as well and the two begin the walk to Y/n's home.

Another chapter after a billion years! I wanted to mention since I didn't before, uploads are going to be incredibly slow because of school. There should be a new chapter either this weekend or next week.

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