"i'm fine." i say and then look forward. he slides down the wall and plops down right next to me. "you don't look fine." he says. the smell of weed hits me when he sits next to me. "i can seee that you made your little deal." i say stupidly. he laughs at my drunken words. "yeah, that i did." he says back. i start to stand up and immediately as i do i trip over and into the wall in front of us. "jesus y/n." he stands up and comes to my side to grab my arm to help with my balance. "i'm fine. just had a little too much to drink." i spill out. "yeah?" he says. i pull away from his arm and start slowly walking down the stairs almost falling. i hear eddie walking behind me. i drunkenly walk back to the kitchen where i group of jocks are. eddie comes to my side. "hey, don't you think you should get going soon?" he asks. "well i wish i could but chrissy is deciding to be a bitch  instead of driving me home." i say and then he replies. "i can take you home. my vans out front." he says with a comforting look. i wish i could leave this party but i can't go back to my dad like this. "i can't. i can't go home like this." i say. "then you can crash at my place until morning." he says. one of the jocks suddenly butt in our conversation. "oooh the freak is tryna get lucky tonight. how about you come home with me instead, y/n?" he laughs out obviously drunk. "fuck off." eddie says defending me to them. "oh no. eddie your trying way too hard. she'll do you, you just have to be a little more forward." he laughs and i hear all the coos of the jocks behind him. "fuck you." i spill out angrily and immediately turn my back and start walking away.

i stumble through the room, not knowing where to go. "hey, come on. let me take you to my place and you can sleep this off on my couch." eddie says as he comes up behind me. i turn around and look at him. i was too drunk to even talk and he could tell. he gives me a small smile and then takes my hand leading me to the door. he kept looking back at me to make sure i wasn't falling. the door swings open and we both walk out. there are a few drunk teenagers around us, in the grass but luckily none of them say anything stupid. i see a big van that's parked a little down the street. "i can take you to get your car in the morning." he says while leading me down the sidewalk. we make it to his car and he opens the passengers side. i flop into the seat and he closes the door gently next to me and then he runs to the other side of the car and gets inside. he starts up to engine and it shakes from side to side for a moment. he pulls out of the parking space and then we were off down the road, i watch all the big houses pass me by.

"thanks by the way." i say to him and then look back out the window. "you don't have to thank me for anything, i got you." he says while smiling at me and then turning his head back to the road.

"do you remember in middle school? when you spray painted 'fascist fucker' in our principals office in 8th grade?" i blurt out. he laughs as he was taken off guard by my question. "yeah, i remember that. i almost got expelled for that." he wipes his mouth as he laughs. "i thought you were so cool." i say as i drunk smile to him. "really?" he asks like it was a genuine question. "i always thought you were cool. so fuckin cool. probably the only cool person left in this stupid fucking town." i drunkenly spur out. "that's not true. what about you?" he says comfortingly. i blush. it's hard not to. eddie munson just called me cool. "i'm not cool." i say laughing loudly. he looks at me and laughs at my drunkness. "yeah you are. you're the coolest person at our school. you don't take shit from people. you listen to good music, and you show up for people you care about. that seems pretty cool to me." he says, i clam up because no one's ever told me that before. my cheeks turn a light pink. "wait, how would you know what type of music i listen to?" i ask curiously. he scoffs "my favorite part of the school day is overhearing what your blasting in your headphones." i laugh, i didn't realize other people could hear what i was listening to. but i was flattered that he was intrigued by what i had playing.

we drove for the most part in silence. i fell in and out of sleep a few times, and eddie asked me how i was doing at least twice. we then pull into the trailer park at the end of town. there was forestry surrounding it and in the center were trailers spread out around each other. we drove up to one of the trailers and puts the car in park.

"we are here." he says and then hops out the car. i start to reach for the door handle but i'm beat to it by eddie opening the door for me. he holds out his hand and helps me step out. as i do, i fall forward, slightly into him. my hand lands right on his chest. "woah there." he laughs and then helps me stabilize myself. "sorry." i mumble back to him while taking a step back from his body. "don't apologize." he says while smiling at me and shutting the door. he keeps my hand in his as he walks me to the door of the trailer. he looks back at me, to make sure i was okay and i beamed him a bright but drunk smile.

he unlocks the door and takes us both inside. immediately my eyes start to wonder around. i see some clutter around the small trailer and then a hallway to the left with three doors along the wall. only one was open and it was a small bathroom. "so this is the castle." eddie says and then comes up from behind and walks to the kitchen area. as i slip my shoes off he fills up a glass of water and then walks back over to me. my eyes kinda wander around his body and face without me realizing. he reached out his hand and i take it and then i am led down the hall to the very last door that he swings open and walks into. i step through the doorway and immediately start staring at everything in his room. i sit on his bed but my eyes still are roaming around. "here drink this." he slides the glass of water across the bedside table, closer to me. he throws his leather jacket off of himself and throws it onto his floor. i sip the water he gave to me and watch him stumble around his room. he takes his boots off one at a time and throws them both in the corner, then he pulls open the drawers of his dresser and starts rifling through the clothes. my eyes start to get heavier. he turns to me and hands me a tshirt and cargo shorts, both are way bigger than my normal size. i give him a confused look, "why are you giving me these?" i ask slowly. "well i assumed you wouldn't want to sleep in clothes that are drenched in alcohol." i look down at my outfit i was wearing and there was what seemed to be a spill right down the middle. it must've happened while i was dancing, and i just didn't notice. "oh." i say and then stand up. i take my jacket off and throw it on the ground, then snatch the clothes out of his hands, put them on the bed and immediately start taking my clothes off. i feel eddie start to get awkward, and look up at the ceiling while im changing. when i look up to him as i'm slipping off my pants, he has wide eyes on the ceiling and an awkward sigh escaping his lips. "god, you're such a little boy." i say slipping his tshirt on and then the loose black cargo shorts. when i was fully dressed, eddie stopped looking longingly at the ceiling and met with my eyes. "you look good in my clothes." he says. my eyes squint at him and a smile grows on my face. i plop the clothes i was wearing down on the floor. i'll worry about them tomorrow. i sit down on the bed again and start to feel dizzy. "you okay?" he asks and looks at me then picks up the glass of water and hands it to me. "fine. just a little fizzy." i say sipping the water. "fizzy? don't you mean dizzy?" he asks and then i look back up to him. "isn't that what i said?" he laughs at my question, "okay? how about i go make you a snack and then we can get you adjusted on the couch." "sounds like such a great plan." i say back with a slow slurred voice. he walks out the room and then i see the bed next to me. it looks too comfortable so i guess laying down for a second couldn't hurt.

eddie's pov

i grab a small thing of chocolate pudding and a spoon and then walk down the hallway and back to my room. but i am met with this girl passed the fuck out in my bed. i laugh out loud, staring blankly with the pudding in my hand. i walk over to the side of the bed and sit down gently making sure not to wake her. i set the snack down on the table. her head is being consumed by the pillow and half of their face is showing, turned towards me. her hand was laying right above her head.

she looked beautiful. she was beautiful. i set her snack down on the nightstand and start shifting the blankets to cover her more. i barely know her, seen her in the hallways and in class and always thought she was the most beautiful girl i've ever seen. but now seeing her in my bed and in my clothes, something felt right.

no. i can't be catching feelings for a girl i don't even really know. but how can i not? she's an angel. i stare at her, longingly without even realizing it. when i do, i quickly snap out of it and stand up.

my eyes still find themselves back to her though. i cover her with more blanket and then slowly lean down to land a kiss on her forehead.

then i walk over to my doorway but before i turn the light out, i take one more glance over at her sleeping. i smile to myself then flip the switch and quietly close the door.

'guess i'm crashing on the couch tonight'


3504 words
not proof read
hope y'all enjoyed

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