I had been bit, I had contact with the rain, but I didn't turn. So after I picked myself up off the ground I decided that I would do everything in my power to see if what happened to me can be used to help others. If I was immune to turning then there had to be something about me that could be used to help make a vaccine or a cure. I was young then, naive, I thought I could forgive myself for what happened with my mom if I could save others in the way I couldn't save her.

It is this same self-given mission that led me to the people I am running from today.

... ... ... ...

The trees tousled, looking almost angry at the winds' rapid interchanging movements. It was, at the moment, unpredictable with its constant change. At times it would be forceful and at others, it would die down to a soft whisper as it passed through the leaves quietly. And I allowed myself this moment of calm, of peace.

"So, you really believe that this girl is immune?" A random soldier had brought up ending the moment I had been having.

"I wouldn't necessarily say she is immune per se. She seems to be able to carry the virus within herself, not fully turning, but not entirely human either." Dr. Whispers explained while using their key card to open a door to the lab. "It is my belief that the answer to how she is capable of this is in her genetics. And if that is true then maybe it could be possible to manipulate such genes into a vaccine." They explained further before stepping into a lab and I followed suit. 

Learning to control my new urges and live with these new senses had been difficult. I was sensitive to bright lights and loud sounds. My eyesight had been obstructed so that I could only see things through a red haze. My ears could pick up on any sound for quite a distance which caused me constant headaches. But, if these scientists could help me learn to control myself while also developing a vaccine then all of this would be worth it. Then I could be seen as not just a monster, but someone who'd helped stop the spread of this infection.

"Hello, Captain! This is the girl I have been telling you about!" Dr. Whispers said while motioning to me and I stood there with a stiff posture as the smell of blood reached my nose. I clenched my fists to hold myself back.

"Seriously? I had hoped you were joking." The captain said while crossing his arms not looking too thrilled at the moment. "A person who not only didn't turn from a bite but lived through it to become the very monster that bit them. What a joke." The captain said carelessly and his words about the monster that bit me, my mother, caused a surge of rage to move through me.

"Dang it, Captain!" I grabbed my mask and lowered it grabbing my sunglasses and removing them as well, revealing my face to him as well as my glowing red eyes. "Do you believe me now? Are you going to help me or not?" I shouted only seeing shadow-like figures because of the rage. I had found people indistinguishable and unrecognizable when I let my darker side through.

The doctor turned to face me, their figure shifting from their previous stance to my side. "Okay Luz, we're going to help you gain control over this. We'll be able to help people soon. Isn't that what you wanted?" They asked me and I sighed and shut my eyes to gain a better grip over myself. Their words had calmed me a bit.

"Yes, that's what I want," I said, my voice taking on a deeper tone because of these new instincts.

"If we're going to do this there have to be ground rules set. She is still a monster and could lose herself at any moment to attack anyone of us." The captain stated before I watched the shadow of his arms move and some other indistinguishable figures came into the room. "She'll have to be locked up for the safety of others." He stated and my body tensed at the thought of being contained. But I knew that this is what had to be done in order to control myself and help others.

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