34. Two Weeks to Destroy the Girl

Start from the beginning

"It's fine, that's an easy answer for me. My mom is my hero. I'd do anything for her. Switch places with her in a heartbeat if I could," his said calmly, no trace of that previous torture in the tone of his voice.

"I can see that. I can see how much you love her," I said and he squeezed my hand in reply. "My mom... I think she wants us to be best friends, and I love her, I do, but some stuff I just want to figure out on my own."

"Did you try talking to her about it?"

"Not really. I don't want to hurt her feelings. Plus, I'm leaving to college next year so..." I said, letting out a sigh and felt Noah nod against me.

The movie still played in the background and I tried to secretly yawn again in the moment it got louder. "Are we gonna do another?" I asked, even though I wasn't sure my brain could think anymore.

"Sure. What would constitute a perfect day for you?" His voice was so soothing, like a lullaby whispered directly into my ear.

I tried my best to keep my eyes open as I answered, but they ended up closing against my will.

"Sun, sea, beach. People I love around me. The weather is that perfect temperature. Not too hot, but not cold. There's a light breeze in the air. Everyone is laughing. Happy." The scene played out behind my closed eyes as I described it. My family was there. Lily. Melissa. And in the distance, I could almost make out someone else. Someone with ocean blue eyes and messy hair. Some so familiar. "You?" I asked, both him and myself.

He didn't answer instantly, staying quiet long enough for my mind to drift further into the image I'd envisioned, losing perception of where I actually was.

The last thing I could almost remember, though at that point it could have just been a part of the dream as well, was just one whispered word.


When I woke up, I was lying on a moving pillow

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When I woke up, I was lying on a moving pillow. Only it wasn't a pillow. I was sprawled on top of Noah, my head lying on his chest, and his arms were loosely wrapped around me.

Well, I wasn't expecting a heart attack first thing in the morning but here we were.

I tried to even out my breathing, as Noah's body kept rising and falling in that calm rhythm that made it clear he was still asleep. What was I supposed to do now? Do I just leave? Do I wake him up?

Realizing I have to do something other than continue lying on him like a beached whale, I started to wiggle out of his grasp. Before I could slip away, his arms slightly tightened around me and his breathing changed.

"Good morning." His voice was husky, sleep still more than apparent in it.

"Morning, yes, it is morning," I mumbled awkwardly, finally feeling comfortable to just get up and off of him.

Noah chuckled and stretched, folding his arms under his head as he looked up at me. The picture of relaxation. "Do you want coffee? Breakfast?

"Ah, that sounds great but, I think I really should be going home now." Because my breath probably stinks and I need a shower and it's not like I could tell him any of that.

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