Chapter 1

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7 years ago


"Come on Y/N, you have a sleepover with Baki tonight" you heard your mom yell, you groaned as you got out of bed. You walked to the bathroom to get ready, although you were excited to get to see Baki, you were also annoyed that you'd have to go over Baki's house.

His father Yujiro was a beast, so when you went over after you and Baki got back from school, you'd see him doing something weird like standing on the ceiling. Well he wasn't actually standing on the ceiling, but definitely doing something strange. And he'd constantly drag Baki away so Baki could fight and train. 

Since his father was constantly taking him away to slave away and work, Baki had a body of a grown man. His body held scars and bruises that would concern any person. If the poor boy wasn't killing his body with extreme exercise, he was participating in school fights. The fights painted Baki to be a violent person to the rest of the kids at school.

Sadly, it wasn't uncommon for you to have to constantly pull away Baki. When things got bad in his home, he was like a bomb ready to explode. Baki wasn't violent, he was a nice kid but a victim of a bad environment.

Yujiro wasn't the only one, then you had his mother as well. She was weird and often would get a little, touchy with her own son. Then the way his parents acted, his mother would beat Baki when he didn't impress Yujiro and Yujiro would put his hands on Baki's mother at times. And Baki was oblivious to it!

While you didn't exactly hate his mother the way you hated his father, neither did you like her. Preferably, you wanted to just stay away from the woman. Your mother told you that she was just loving her son the way any mother would, but you would disagree. 

You walked out of the bathroom and went to your closet, you grabbed your newly bought outfit and laid it out on your bed. It was like what the girls at your school wore, you had to beg your mom to buy it for you, she wasn't on board with the skirt thing, hence why you always wore baggy clothes and pants.

You walked to your dresser and grabbed some body lotion. You walked to your bed and changed into your outfit then put on the lotion. You placed the lotion back where it was and grabbed some shoes. 

You then grabbed your already packed bag and walked over to your mirror.

"Alright, what to do with my hair" You said as you grabbed a brush and tried to tame your curly hair. Although your hair was kinda thin, it still was strong and tangled, you can't even brush your hair sometimes because you think the hair will break the brush.

After finally putting the hair into double ponytails, you walked to your night stand and placed a ring on your finger. The ring was a gift from Baki, both of you had different kinds. Yours was the outline of a heart, while Baki had the heart shaped ring. You placed them together and they fit, he got it recently. 

(You know what, ya'll ain't getting an outfit.)

You walked out of your room and walked down stairs. You get to the bottom to see your mom on the phone. You walked over to her and waited until she was done, once she was finished she looks down at you.

"Ready?" She asked and you nodded, she grabbed her purse and keys and left the house. We walked down the stone steps and to the car. 

You noticed your mom was wearing a tight black dress with heels. It was weird to see her so dressed up, she usually wore suits instead of dresses. Her hair also looked different, she cut it shorter than before. She had a pixie cut, she kinda looked like princess Diana but with black hair. 

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