34 | The Final Warning

Start from the beginning

I kissed his cheek and began pulling away from the hug when he stopped me.

"That's not the correct way to say goodbye to your knight in shining armour." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes then kissed him. It was more of a short goodbye kiss.

We pulled away and I gave him one last hug, "I'll be thinking of you."

"Don't miss me too much." He chuckled.

"I'll try not to." I smiled back.

"Bye purrincess." He winked.

"Bye kitty cat." I let go of him and let him jump into the city before heading back into my room.

Chat Noir's POV

I made it back into the mansion before anyone could notice I wasn't there.

The more I went to Marinette's house, the more I realised that the mansion wasn't my home.

Yes it's spacious and modern but it doesn't have that homely feeling to it.

It feels dead.

It's now that I realise what family should be like. The way Marinette's parents have easily welcomed and accepted me in their house.

You can even sense the homely vibes in their house.

It's something that I want to be a part of, something I want to experience.

I detransformed and made my way to have a shower.

Mari and I have really bonded in the last week. Almost every night was spent together. Even though on some of the nights I didn't get as much sleep as I desired, I still enjoyed being with Mari.

Our friendship has grown a lot over the past few days to the point where I can't really call it a friendship anymore.

I mean friends don't kiss but we aren't in a relationship either.

The question is, does she want to be in a relationship?

I mean I guess it may be too soon but I know that my heart is 100% focused on her.

I still love Ladybug but as a partner. She Will always have a place in my heart but not in a romantic way.

The only girl I want is Marinette.

Unfortunately now the hard part is going to be containing myself in school. She doesn't know that Chat is Adrien and even so There is a different vibe between Chat and Mari and Adrien and Mari.

It's more awkward should I say between me and Marinette than Chat and Marinette. I don't really know why that is but I don't want it to continue being that way.

I want Marinette to be able to speak to me freely both as Chat and Adrien but I guess it will take some time.

I finished getting ready for school, and headed down to breakfast. After receiving the schedule for the day, I got my school bag and left for school.

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