Chapter 4 - Probably A Start Of Something New

Start from the beginning

But as soon as it got quiet, Damien thought of the topic more intently.

If only he can find a way to make easy money that isn't illegal...if only.


The blond girl was apparently named Hannah; at least that was the one written on the tag carefully pinned on the upper left corner of her uniform.

Hannah Sparkle. I like her name, it sounds like some kind of name used by stage actresses and people's pen names it sounded like a name for a very famous person.

Her name suited her too, with blond hair and eccentric green eyes; it almost seemed that they did sparkle. Her hair was neatly tied up in a bun and was held together with a chopstick. She wore a very secretary potential outfit; white tank top with a cream blazer with a matching pencil skirt.

She looked like she was in her late 20s and she was typing something in her computer and it was as if I wasn't even there. I cleared my throat and that was the only time she acknowledged my existence.

"Hi," I looked at her tag again. "Hannah. I'm Allison."

She looked up at me and smiled. It was good to receive a smile from here and there. At least I didn't get a very rude impression of her. "It's Bree."

I looked at her name tag, trying to decide if I just made up the name Hannah. She looked at the tag too. I looked at her face now and she probably saw the bewilderment in my eyes because she just laughed.

"I get that a lot." She said. "Sorry." She looked at the tag as well. "I just borrowed this uniform."

I chuckled. She held out her hand. "I'm Bree Stockholm by the way." I shook her hand, and I instantly knew that we were going to be friends. I just felt really cool around her, even if I'm almost half her age. "Secretary and Receptionist here at McHale Animal Shelter."

The handshake felt really comforting and I couldn't help smiling as well.

"Allison Summers," I said. "If you need a proper scream when animals are around, I'm your gal."

Confusion filled her eyes and I immediately knew that I had to explain it to her. My fear of animals, the way I scream whenever something abiotic, (even a rock) moves and how I manage my everyday life. I explained to her why I didn't want to go here, because at that very moment my palms were getting sweaty and I felt like I was having an anxiety attack right then and there.

"It must be pretty hard for you then," She said, thinking about the things that I just said. "I just hope you don't develop hate towards them because that would be really inappropriate."

I felt a lump in my throat. That's exactly what happened. My fear of animals went to pure fear and transformed into anger.

Anger, because people teased me just because I freak out whenever I see a creature moving. I just don't understand why people who had a fear of heights were completely acceptable but when it comes to people fearing animals, they make an unpleasant impression towards the person fearing them. They think of her as a person who's snobby, snotty, and stuck-up.

I guess she read my facial expression because she just changed the topic. "So, I guess I'm responsible for your actions now." She smiled. "Let's start the tour, shall we?"

I meekly nodded and smiled. "Yes. Yes we should."


"Do you see her clearly?" Stephanie muttered to a frustrated Jenny, as she glances at the binoculars they stole from the Science storage room a while ago.

"!" She muttered, dropping the binoculars at the 'oomph' part. Stephanie groaned, sending a glare in Jenny's direction.

"Ugh, give me that!" She shouted, grabbing the binoculars from the floor. Jenny rolled her eyes and wanted to curse at Stephanie for being so darn bossy but she didn't dare; plainly because she doesn't want to get into Stephanie's bad side.

And if she did, then she has to say goodbye to her reputation. "Gosh, you're so stupid!"

"And you're a real bitch." Jenny whispered to herself, but sadly, Stephanie heard it and hence begins World War III.



Cat = frightening creature who has fangs and sharp claws.

Room = A specified space for specified objects.

Cat room = specified space for frightening creatures with fangs and sharp claws.

I think I'm going to be sick.

"Shall we go inside the cat room?" She tenderly said - a look of concern in her face. I looked at her trying to mentally tell her that I am terrified right now. I am literally shaking and I think I'm going to pass out any minute now.

"Can I not go?" I asked her. She let out a smile that was very convincing.

"Don't worry, dear." She held my hand. "The sooner you get done with this, the better."

At first I just stood there firmly, determined to not go inside. I can imagine their fangs and claws already, waiting for my arrival. I'm pretty sure that when I go into that hell hound, they will tear up my flesh one by one and start on nibbling on my arteries. I sweated more than I did in an Indian summer.

I can hear the sounds of hissing in my head and I was about to cry...the first tear was slowly trickling and I swear, I think I was going to blow up like a volcano but Bree looked at me intently and said, with no sugar coating this time;

"Allison," She said to me, not really as sweet as before but still with sincerity in it. "The only way to get over your fears is to face it. Trust me, it really works." She said it to me with such faith, that I can't help but stopped doing what I was doing. She said it like she was telling me a distant memory.

I let go of her hand and said, "I trust you." And I walked in there, trying to be confident the best that I can.

As I walked into the room, it actually looked pretty big for only a number of cats. A long hallway stretched before me and at the sides, stood the cats that were ready for adoption. We walked slowly but surely and I felt like running away but I remembered what Bree said. The only way to get over your fears is to face it.

I didn't look at the cats directly, but being a few inches away from them was quite an improvement because normally, if I even see a movie with animals in it, I run away and never look back. This was probably the nearest I have been with cats in real life.

Maybe not with the incident that led to this fear in the first place, but more on that later.

So we were walking there and Bree started talking. "These cats are very precious to us. Each one of them went through a lot and it amazes us that they still maintain their sweet attitude." She looked at me and winked. "So, don't judge the entire cat race just because of one unstable cat."

She started introducing each of the cats and there weren't that many, only a total of ten cats. I didn't look at them yet, but I can feel their aura and essence.

After all the things that I have heard and how the cats survived, I'm starting to think that cats are quite nice. But I shook my head, remembering the memory that I had with that certain tabby cat.

The time passed by and before I knew it, we already finished the tour. When we got into the dog room, I honestly felt the same way I felt at the cat room but I keep on reminding myself that if I never try, I'll never know. And with all that, I managed to get into the dog room.

The dog room looked exactly like the cat room but, you know, full of dogs. There were occasional flinches here and there but at least I did not vomit on the spot, right? I may not have physical contact with them yet, but at least I didn't squeal, right? I'm right, right?

"Alright. That's all for today." Bree said to me, looking at me like I just graduated from college. "Real work starts tomorrow. Be sure to-"I smiled and hugged her.

"Thank you."

This was going to be a start of something new. I just know it.

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