Practice, practice, practice!

Start from the beginning

I hastily skated across the now empty rink over to the other side, practically jumping with joy off the ice. I was almost there! I was almost in the locker room! One more step and—

"Where do you think your going?" A shrill voice calls out from behind me as I flinch. I slowly turned around to be face to face with Bombay as he walked off the ice too, facing me with annoyance. I should've just ignored him! I thought as I mentally roll my eyes and punched myself in the face, afraid of his next words. His stern eyes shot bullet holes through my face as I just stood there, Wondering if it's possible to just disappear into thin air.

"To change..." I say hesitantly, not sure if it was the right answer he was looking for. It looked like it wasn't, as he chuckled harshly.

"Oh...I thought you would want to stay out and practise more, since you obviously need to." He said with a grumble, making me sigh. He's still on me about this? My anger got the best of me as I groaned.

"Look, coach. What's your problem with me? Why are you constantly on me and berating me for no reason?" I say through clenched teeth, immediately regretting my words, incase they were too harsh.

"Oh, there's much reason, Lyla. You blew it today I front of the scouts!" He yelled, causing my memory to circle back to them. I totally forgot all about the scouts, and I physically felt an extra weight being thrown onto my back on top of all my other problems.

Maybe he was right. Maybe I did blow it. And, I haven't heard from the scouts since the first games, and maybe...maybe they were regretting their decision. I felt my mind become filled with intense worry and self loathe as I felt a tight knot grow in my chest. Bombay kept his stare onto me.

"Now, I suggest working for it. Working hard for the scouts. Right now." He says, causing me to double back with surprise and exhaustion. He can't be serious.

We just spent 4 plus hours skated our asses off for this man, and I literally am unable to do it again. I sighed deeply.

"You can't be serious."

"Oh, but I am. If you have dreams you need to work for them, Lyla. I will not tolerate any slacking!" He grumbled, causing a slight groan to escape my lips.

Even though I deeply loathed this man with my whole well being right now, I can't help but agree with his words. He was right. I need to try harder, I need to work harder for the scouts. I need to get that scholarship, and if this is how I'll get it, I am prepared to endure this physical and mental torture.

I sighed and slowly walked past coach, stepping  back onto the ice, prepared to not feel my legs tomorrow at all.

That was 1:00 in the morning.

It's 5:30, and I'm still skating.

It's 6:00 when I collapse on the ice from exhaustion.


I got back to the hotel at 7:00 in the morning, literally one step away from falling on my face and passing out. I already passed out on the ice right in front of coach, but instead of helping me and ending practice, he gave me a 3 minute break and then threw me back on the ice!

I've never felt so tired and exhausted and fatigued like this in my life. This feeling is probably the worst feeling I've ever felt in my whole 14 years of existence, and Every time I took a step, I felt my bones grinding with absolute pain against my sore body.

I unlocked the door, staggered to my bed, and flopped down on my soft, cushiony mattress. I had just closed my eyes, wanting to fall right to sleep.

*beep* *beep* *beep— the sound of my alarm wailing over and over again made me groan out loud with annoyance. Of course it goes off right now. Right when I was just drifting off to sleep.

Truthbreaker (2) -Charlie Conway Where stories live. Discover now