The message

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Her heart beat faster as she saw that name popping up on her screen..


He followed her back and left a message!

"Oh this is so exciting!" She said to herself.

She typed a message back.

It was delivered. He was not online at the moment.

"Amy! Why are you taking so much time?" Her mom yelled.

"Coming!" Amy said and she ran downstairs.

Her mom had this cold set face as she came towards the dining table.

They started eating.

"What were you doing in your room?" Her mom asked.

"Nothing." She replied.

"Nothing?? What do you mean?"

"It's just nothing mom!"

"Are you hiding anything from me!!? If it is s boy I swear I would kill you!! I'm sending you to school to study, not to-"

"Mom! Calm down!" Amy interrupted.

"Please do not have any distractions okay, think about your dream okay,"

"Okay mom."

Amy left.

She was in a dilemma.

"Am I committing a crime?"

As a teenager she hated her mom being nosy but deep down inside her mind, there's love for her and that loves hates to see mom this way. So, she hated her dad for it.

She took a deep breath and took out her phone.

Tristan replied!

They started texting messages. This is how their conversation went.

Tristan : Hey

Amy: Hiii!

Tristan : How r u?

Amy: I'm fyn How r u?

Tristan : yeah cool.😎

Amy: cool. :)

Tristan : I didn't come today, can u send me notes?

Amy: There's no biology class today.

Tristan : oops! My bad! Hehe XD

Amy: yeah it's okay. :)

Tristan : I like ur pictures, they're cute.

Amy: aww thankuu❤️❤️

Tristan : you like photography?

Amy : yeah.. I'm not a great photographer tho 😂

Tristan : why didn't you post your own selfies?

Amy: no, i don't look good in pictures haha

Tristan : but you look kinda cute :)

Amy: awwww thank you :)

Tristan : you're welcome.

Amy: you're posts are really good... How do you take those professional photos?

Tristan : it's not like professional photos okay.... My friends would take pictures of me and edit it to make it professional

Amy: oh that's nice :)

Tristan : yeahhh cool 😎

Amy: wish I could take pictures like that...

Tristan : you can... Just use the front camera and timer okay...

Amy: thank you so much:)

Tristan : yeah welkm.. alr gtg bye...

Amy: ok bye... Gudni8

Tristan : gudnyt

After this conversation, Amy quickly texted Sam to tell her what happened.

Amy: do you know who texted me!!!

Sam: lemme guess... It's either Harry styles or those guys from the Korean band.

Amy: no! And they're BTS okay! Tristan texted me!!

Sam: Tristan? Wow that escalated quickly.

Amy: I know right!! He thinks I'm cute!

Sam: he said that!!! You go gurll!!!

Amy: I really wish to date him... He's so cute and down to earth ❤️

Sam: yeah good for u gurl... If you need anything hit me up okay

Amy : okay thank you!!

Sam: yeah!!!

She couldn't sleep all night... She was thinking about her moments with Tristan and the weird dream that she saw that day. She really wished to be his girlfriend. She thought about all the cringey couple things they're gonna do when they get together.... She imagined going on dates with him, meeting his friends, going on parties, cuddling in bed and so much more....

Next day.

She walking to school, she saw a familiar face from the opposite side of the road...

It was Tristan.

He waved her and she waved him back...

She smiled to herself and went on walking.

At class... She met Sam and they went to classes together.

It was biology class.. and as always, Tristan was late.

Tristan seated in the back of the class with Amy.

"Hey" he said

"Hi, why are you late again?" She asked.

" Yeah ... Some technical difficulties... Do you have a hall pass?"

"Yeah I do, why did you ask?"

" Let's just go somewhere, i don't feel like sitting in class"

"Go somewhere! How ??"

" No one's gonna know. Okay. Tell the teacher you have some lady problems and all... I'll manage to get out."

"But... I...."

" Don't worry girl....."

Amy walked slowly to the teacher to ask permission. It was a substitute so he allowed her to be excused. Tristan got out of the class by saying that he had swim practice.

Both of them got out and Tristan held her hand tight and they ran away through the corridors....

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