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so many heavy untold thoughts.


"i can't believe you convinced me to watch this with you," hueningkai said slowly as he looked at soobin — and then taehyun, betrayed by the fact that he had joined forces with soobin. soobin just smiled, looking at the screen to watch yeonjun and beomgyu, as they placed themselves down on two chairs.

taehyun just smiled at hueningkai before the two turned their attention to the interview as well. beomgyu was part of it, of course, he had wanted to watch it — he was just happy he didn't have to hide the admiration anymore, the way he had before.

soobin smiled as he watched the two friends stumble on the set, the tiniest rise on the right side of yeonjun's face being evident for just a split second — a reminder that he could smile if he wanted to if he allowed himself to.

yeonjun wasn't that nervous for the interview, at least not as nervous as usual. it helped a lot that he had beomgyu by his side to anchor him. he preferred to have someone to lean on, at times he wished they had debuted as a group, that way they'd always be together. but at the same time, he knew it was for the best — that there was a reason why he'd been forced to go solo, even though he had always trained in groups. 

"how did you guys meet?" the interviewer asked, beomgyu laughed at the memory, as he pointed towards yeonjun, urging for him to answer — he always did, unsure about how much yeonjun wanted revealed. "oh, our parents were friends, so we grew up together for a while. but when i was around 10 i moved away, it was pretty impulsive, so uh, i never ended up getting to say goodbye, which i'm sure beomgyu hated me for — i hated myself for it at least. and then, i was scouted on the street, so i went to the audition, and like 3 numbers ahead of me was a 'choi beomgyu' and i remember losing my mind — i thought there was no way, but there was. i guess we were destined to be together." yeonjun muttered softly, hoping for no further questions or elaboration.

"was that when you went to america?" the interviewer asked, yeonjun just nodded — having mentioned briefly in the past that he lived in the US for a few years. he had later gone to korea during his summer break — simply because he missed the country, and everything familiar. he hadn't expected to stay for good when he visited, but here he was 5 years later, a star, in korea.

"were you glad to be reunited? i imagine you might have had some lingering feelings," the interviewer asked beomgyu — and he just shrugged. "it didn't surprise me when he left, i was sort of happy that he did actually — i knew yeonjun, even back then. and well, he always talked about how he wanted to explore the world, and how he wanted to leave. so when he suddenly wasn't there, i figured that that was what he did. i mean, a message of some sort wouldn't have hurt, but considering he hadn't left one, i figured he didn't have the time." beomgyu elaborated, a few small white lies to glaze over what had went down, but the essence was the same.

"i was happy when he returned though, didn't recognize him at first though, he grew up well, not gonna lie. i think what surprised me more was the fact that he was at an audition to become an idol — he never wanted to dance with me when we were kids, and he always turned the radio down," beomgyu said softly with a laugh, as he nudged yeonjun in the side who just softly shook his head. "it never crossed my mind to go down this path," yeonjun just added. "and here we are, yeonjun with more talent in his pinky than the rest of us have in our bodies," beomgyu added, yeonjun frowned. "you taught me everything i know though," he said — and it was true, beomgyu had taught yeonjun all of the basics. "you're such a liar," beomgyu just ended it with, though he was thankful for the way yeonjun always hyped him up. 

"and yeonjun, you know i have to ask — as an interviewer it's part of my duty, how did you and your girlfriend meet?" the interviewer asked, yeonjun shrugged. "it just happened, i don't know. we're in the same industry, so i saw her every now and then, one day she asked me if i wanted to go on a date, no one had ever been brave enough to ask me directly to my face, so i thought, why not? and here we are," yeonjun muttered, it was the truth, he hadn't wanted to go, but a friend of his was friends with her as well, and had encouraged him, and before he knew they were dating. he wanted to try, wanted to see what it'd be like — if he could. 

"are you romantic?" the interviewer asked, making beomgyu snort — which was answered enough. "not particularly, i have to admit that," he said with a forced laugh. 

"what kind of love did you guys grow up with? because, just from looking at you — your love language seems to be polar opposites," the interviewer pointed out, closing in on yeonjun's boundaries. "my parents are so in love with each other, it's gross at times," beomgyu muttered. "i think it's cute," yeonjun caught himself saying. "their eyes are always on each other — or you, i think it's beautiful, that they're able to contain so much love in their hearts — that you can." yeonjun elaborated. 

"oh? what kind of love did you grow up with then?" the interviewer asked, directed at yeonjun. yeonjun's breath caught in his throat for a second, as he thought about what to say — how to phrase it. 

"romeo and juliet." yeonjun just ended up saying, beomgyu looking over at his friend, before discreetly grabbing his hand. knowing just what yeonjun meant. 

"sounds romantic." the interviewer just mumbled, not understanding, yeonjun almost winced at how his heart ached, for a split second being scared that he'd get a heart attack. but he just nodded, brushing everything off. 

on the other side of the screen, soobin frowned. romeo and juliet? he had never met anyone who compared their parents' love to romeo and juliet.

were romeo and juliet ever in love, or was it just the chase? tragic. no matter which way you twisted the love story of romeo and juliet it was tragic. 

dead, they were both dead — but at least they had gone together. 


hi mr. bunny boy 

you changed your username? 
how come?

my friend kept bullying me xD 

lol, my friends are like that as
well. they keep making fun of
my personal ig username ): it's
quite literally genius 

mind sharing?

one day, you gotta earn it :) 

not even if i say please?

kinky bitch 

you said it first, which means
you're the kinky one baby 


i'll talk to you later soobin :) 

authors note ! 

not sure i'll ever finish this, but i still have a few drafts, so here you go! 
(we'll just pretend it hasn't been at least 6 months since i last updated this.)

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