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╒══════════════════╕there's no answer

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there's no answer.
there never is.

godbeomgyu 2h ago

♡ 322k likes godbeomgyu: glad my loser is back

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godbeomgyu: glad my loser is back.. not that i missed him or anything like that <3
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randomuser1: the fact that gyu is the first person jun went to see makes me soft
randomuser2: literally no one will ever love them more than they love each other

bunnybin: favorite duo is officially back <3
huening: i thought taehyun and i was ur favorite duo?
kangtaehyun: really feeling the betrayal not gonna lie
huening: finally something we agree on
bunnybin: how tf are you guys supposed to be my fave duo when jun and gyu exits?
kangtaehyun: it's not like we've been best friends since diapers or anything..
bunnybin: love you guys <3

randomuser3: yeonjun going to see gyu before he sees juri is what keeps me alive. they're end game i swear
randomuser4: ... is the delulu getting to you?

choijuri: pretty boys <3
theitboy: all you. :)
randomuser5: that does not seem very genuine
randomuser6: i just don't think jun's very romantic, like, imagine jun as the cheesy type
randomuser5: yeah no thanks

theitboy 1h ago

♡ 542k likes theitboy: don't listen to gyu, loser missed me so much he can't even take his eyes off meview all comments

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theitboy: don't listen to gyu, loser missed me so much he can't even take his eyes off me
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godbeomgyu: you're literally the biggest liar, there's no universe where i'd miss you
theitboy: i have not spent more than half of my life with you, for you to say that ):<
godbeomgyu: clingy bitch, you obviously missed me more than i missed you.
theitboy: me clingy? you're the one who texted me every day, asking about when i was coming home — and by home, you meant home to you, mr. even more clingy bitch.
theitboy: you even asked about the color of my toothbrush, that's how bad it was 💀
godbeomgyu: okay, we're taking this one in private.

randomuser1: why are they like this^

huening: why is soobin and jun the exact same person
bunnybin: excuse u, what's that supposed to mean
huening: you're both mean as fuck when talking to your best friend, all love tho of course (pls don't attack me jun stans)
bunnybin: am i supposed to not feel offended?
huening: i love you 🥰🥰
bunnybin: die
kangtaehyun: be nice
bunnybin: die :)

"taking this in private?" yeonjun huffed, as he jumped forward wrapping his whole body around his best friend who just laughed, allowing the both of them to fall over, rolling onto the floor.

"you okay?" beomgyu asked after awhile of them fooling around, the thing about yeonjun is that.. he adapts so easily, to a point where he always gives off the vibes of being comfortable and content, but in reality — even beomgyu who had been his best friend for years, had never been able to read him. not fully at least.

"i'm okay, stressed? i guess, they want me to record a new album soon already. and i don't know? it's just weird to be home, but not really. i guess, i've only been home for a day, but yeah, it's weird being done with concerts. feels a little empty, but it's good being with you again, i missed you, you know?" yeonjun said softly, and if he was the smiley type, there'd definitely had been a smile on his face. but he wasn't, so instead he stood there expressionless — it used to scare beomgyu, simply because the younger wasn't sure if yeonjun was telling the truth or not, but he had learnt quickly that it was all in the eyes of the older — that when he was speaking the truth his eyes were a little more open, a little more gentle.

beomgyu laughed softly wrapping his arms around his best friend again. "i missed you more, you know i did! and don't try and tell me no, because you were too busy to miss me, while i was stuck here bored out of my mind." yeonjun couldn't argue with that, he had been too busy to think. but he also knew that beomgyu had a point, had it been the other way around it had been opposite — he would've have been the one missing gyu more.

not that he'd ever admit it. yeonjun had never been the one to be open about his feelings, the only way he'd ever be honest was by joking around, and then pretending he hadn't meant the things he said.

he'd say i love you, and mean it — but then play it off as a joke, just in case. a defense mechanism he'd developed over the years. because, what if the feels weren't appreciated? what if they weren't returned?

"don't leave for that long ever again, i don't have anyone else." beomgyu mumbled, jokingly — yeonjun knew he was overreacting, beomgyu had always been the social one with friends everywhere. but yeonjun, still appreciated that, because in that area they were polar opposites — and beomgyu is literally the glue between him and the industry, he wouldn't have been nowhere near as popular as he is without beomgyu, he would've stayed as an outcast — as someone without friends or connections.

beomgyu was warm, social, kind — so much kinder than he had to be. he was everything yeonjun had never been.

and yeonjun? he's cold, he had been forever, for reasons he had never disclosed. for almost as long as he can remember he has preferred to stay away from everything and everyone.

and he was tired, so so tired of having to put up an act for the camera. tired of having to act like he was actually content with his life, that his every move didn't hurt — that he actually slept at night... that he wasn't too exhausted to keep up with life.

he just wished that people sometimes would be able to see his hard work and efforts, instead of praising it all on being born a musical genius. an ace. the ace.

authors note !
hi it's 4 am, and i've had the truth untold on repeat for the last 2 hours 🙃 hence why we started out fluffy and ended up depressed <3

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