-- Chapter13 -- A Suicide Mission

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"General, another extraordinarily strong bang of high size was detected in the Mariana Trench region, recording electromagnetic waves as on that occasion which occurred a few days ago," Major Burnett reported to his superior.

"Put me in touch with Rear Admiral Wolf in Guam right now, or wherever he is!" ordered the boss.

"I got in touch with Major Preston, who commands Submarine Squadron Fifteen, alleging loss of communication with the admiral, as he was just plunging into the depths of depression when they noticed the great release of energy. They still don't know what happened, let alone his whereabouts. I demand that, as soon as they hear something, report it to us first. Colonel Oliver, who led The Marines aboard the USS Obstinatus, reported that they chased a submarine that was traveling at high speed but lost sight of it because it reached a depth our vessel was not built to navigate."

"Our men are in the infantry, officer. Faced with an unknown enemy, and we must not let anything bad happen to these brave warriors, let alone to humanity in general. Notify Lieutenant General Erik Morgan that we're leaving in three hours for the Pacific Islands," General George Nelson ordered. "Ask them to prepare the Blackbird as soon as possible, Major. This plane can reach up to 2,200 mph, so we'll get to Guam as soon as possible."

"Yes, sir," shouted the Major, beating a retreat from the room.

"As soon as you hear from Rear Admiral Wolf, let him know we'll be talking in Guam later today.

The general turned off his cell phone as it kept ringing. At that point, the UN members were already aware of the situation and demanded a position on the environmental disasters that were happening in the region, and they would not tolerate such an affront, since it was agreed not to use artifices that could cause any environmental catastrophe. A missile aimed at the wrong location could trigger tsunamis that would devastate islands in the region, including Guam. He hurried to get his things from his drawer, looking at a picture of his grandson giving his first smile in his grandfather's owl's lap, already crumpled from so many times the officer looked at it.

"I'll come back, my boy," said that old man, trying to believe his own words.

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The submarine automatically restarted as if it had a life of its own and at once its doors closed to submerge in a swift dive, at once disappearing from the eyes of the group. They hadn't finished unloading their things from the boat, leaving some important boxes, including diving suits that might come in handy should they ever need to re-enter the water. There were no more traces of the vessel, leaving doubts in their heads until Barbara started a smile that made Frank and Walter understand at once what was going on in the girl's mind.

"The submarine has returned to where we found it, didn't it?" Frank deduced.

Walter and Barbara nodded in agreement.

"That's why Douglas's notes had been left in the submarine, not having time to catch it before the submarine disappeared into the deep waters of the cave. There must be some automatic mechanism causing the submarine, after consuming a large amount of energy, to return to its base in the cave to recharge it. So, when we found it, the vessel was with the battery full!" replied Barbara solving the riddle and seeing her friend's eyes light up because of the words uttered by the girl.

"Hmm, when we were there in the cave, we didn't realize if there was any base to recharge it. That must be it then," Frank mused.

"Good thinking, Frank."

"So, my father was right here where we are. I feel that we will be together soon. Let's go ahead, folks. We have no time to lose!"

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