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Your POV

It had been a week since the battle of Hawkins. The whole town was in disarray. Limbs were still being found in random parts of town, in a bush, in a tree, underneath a car. The world had gone to shit. When Hopper and your friends came back, Hopper had to rush Max back to the hospital.. back onto life support. He told the hospital that he'd found her randomly amongst a pile of dead bodies in town. After the havoc that was caused it was an easily believed story.
Your friends had swarmed around you; Robin sat next to you and took your hand as they told you what had happened. You could tell by the solemn expressions on their faces that it wasn't good news anyway, and yet you didn't cry. Not when they told you about Eddie, and the sacrifice he made once again for this town, nor when they told you about Will... who had potentially become the new master of the Upside Down. No tears at all. Just numbness. Complete and utter despair that you buried deep. Straight back into that comfortable pit of depression that you'd lived with for the past year. Nothing mattered anymore.
That's why you found yourself at Lovers Lake. You were gonna go for a swim, fully dressed, with a couple of heavy stones in your pockets. Probably not enough to actually take you under but there was hope. Hope? What even is hope.. you don't remember what most feelings are anymore. You make your way into the water and start to feel a heavy drag; gravity pulling you down. Perfect. This was going to work. The more steps you took, the higher the water rose. You were neck deep before you took a final jump forwards, completely submerging yourself under the water. You still feel nothing. The darkness of the lake surrounded you, enveloping you, comforting you. This was the right thing. This was ok.
Just as you felt the burn in your lungs, knowing the time was coming, you felt someone or something pulling at you. Go away... you thought as you kicked out at whatever it was. You needed this. This was the only way to end the suffering. Your vision became blurry and soon faded to black. There was no more pain. This... this was peaceful.

Pain. Ouch! A hard thumping pain in your chest. Was someone punching you? Oh wait... is someone kissing you? What the hell is going on? Suddenly you were sick, and it burned your chest. Your lungs were on fire as you gasped for air like a dying fish. Oh... you weren't sick, you was spitting up the Lake water you had swallowed. You rub your eyes trying to rid them of the blurry vision. Someone was sat above you... this is the person that had obviously saved you. You were about to give them a mouthful of shit until you heard them speak.
"Y/N... why the hell would you do that?" Came a familiar voice. Eddie?
"Am I dead?" You ask dryly. Eddie chuckled.
"No baby, death isn't this painful" he responded, pointing at your chest.
"Are you real?" You question, still trying to get rid of the double vision. As your eyes started to clear, you could see that it was indeed Eddie. Your gorgeous, beloved Eddie.
"Didn't think you could get rid of me that easily did you?" He smirked at you.
"B-but, what? How?" You stumbled on your words.
"We'll talk about that later, let's get you sorted first" he whispered as he bundled you up his arms.
Eddie. Eddie was back!

KAS  The Bloody HandedWhere stories live. Discover now