Did You See Him?

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Your POV

The Hawkins High bell rang loud and clear - signalling the end of the day. You couldn't get out of there quick enough. You think Dustin had told the others about what had happened last night, and everyone was treating you like a fragile Russian Doll today. It pissed you off. Just because you thought you saw Eddie, it does not mean you are losing your mind, it does not mean you are fragile or broken. You're sure it's just your stupid brain wanting so desperately to believe that Eddie is alive, that it's willing to conjure up images of him.. even at the cost of your sanity.
It was a somewhat a nice day today, considering the storm that battered Hawkins last night. The sun shone down most of the day and dried up any remnants of the storm that remained. The gang had plans to meet at Lovers Lake for a late afternoon dip. You drove there unthinking, and before you knew it you were parked up just staring into the distance. Images of you and Eddie laying at the edge of the lake flooded your mind. You were showing each other different shapes and objects that you could both see in the clouds. Eddie, so carefree and full of life.. only two days before he was accused of murder.
You still wondered why Chrissy was in his trailer. It always filled you with jealousy. He told you it was no more than just a deal, but you couldn't help but think maybe it was something more.
A loud thud to the side of the car startled you out of your daydream.
"Y/N! What are you doing? Everyone's waiting for us, let's go!" Yelled Robin.
Robin never ceased to amaze you... no matter what she was always a ray of sunshine and joy. The complete opposite to you... and that's what made her your best friend.
Walking through the bramble of thick bushes and fallen logs you noticed that the storm had done some damage last night. A few trees lay limp and split open on the path leading to the lake. You're sure you saw an almost purple haze emanating from the split bark, but a double take told you that was wrong.
"Hey guys" You smiled, trying your best to show some positivity. You have felt so fake this past year. Always putting on a show. Pretending to be fine. But you do it for them. For your friends.
"Y/N! You ready to get wet?" Joked Steve, a sly smirk appearing at the corners of his mouth.
"Steve! Gross man." Shouted Dustin, although he too broke into a half smile, half grimace.
"What? We're here to swim no?" Steve replied.
You raised an eyebrow at him, as you all knew the double entendre he intended, but it made you laugh all the same. Your friends had a way of making you forget sometimes, even if it was just for a few seconds.
"Luckily I changed at school before leaving.. didn't we have a bet on?" You reminded them, "last one in is buying the milkshakes!" And with that you bounded towards the lake.
Throwing your head back you watched as Mike, El, Steve, Dustin and Robin scrambled to get on their feet and race towards the Lake. It was a funny sight to see.. but also a reminder of who was missing. Lucas was barely seen outside of the hospital these days - Max still hadn't recovered and has been in a coma since last year. But you all hold on to hope. El checks in with her now and again to see if she has come back.. but her mind still stays dark and empty. Then of course, there's Eddie. Dustin serves as a constant reminder.. he's grown his hair out to shoulder length and boy have those curls come through. He has better hair than most of you. From behind, sometimes he really looks like Eddie. He wears Eddie's guitar pick around his neck like a shrine. You've never seen him take it off. God! Why can't you get through one second of life without thinking of him. You thought this was supposed to get easier!


You weren't paying attention. Instead of gracefully diving into the lake like you intended, you fell head over heels and rolled into it.
Bubbling laughter filled the air as you broke the surface of the water, and you turned to find your friends all watching and trying to stifle their giggles. How embarrassing.
"How was your trip?" Joked Mike.
"Haha, very funny" You smiled back at him.
You told your friends you were going to try and do a few laps around the Lake. You love swimming. It's calming on the nerves.
You started off with a slow breast stroke, swimming in the opposite direction to where your friends were fooling around. When you stopped and looked back you could see that you were out of earshot... so you bobbed around for a little while before swimming to the edge of the lake.
Unconsciously you realised you went to the arch of trees where Eddie had asked you to be his girlfriend. You'd found this place last summer, when you were fooling around in the Lake. There are two trees that intertwine into an arch that look like two lovers embracing.. reaching into each other, longing for the comfort of familiarity.
You sat beneath the arch for a while, twirling your hair around your fingers and thumb.
What was that? You twisted around so quickly that you got head rush. Through blurry eyes you could see a shadowy figure standing not far from you.
You rub your eyes vigorously trying to get rid of the stars blinking in and out. It's still there. It's definitely human.
As you stand to go towards to figure, it quickly dips behind a tree. You chase after it, and as you reach the tree you circle around shouting "who's there?"
Nothing but silence greets you. Your heart is beating rapidly. You are so sure it was Eddie. Could it be? Or are you actually going insane?
The ache in your heart is unbearable. You fall to the ground, clutching your chest and start sobbing. Not a quiet cry, but a full on baby wail.
Why can't you have what you want and so desperately need? It's in that moment that you realise that grief has completely over ridden your senses, but you give in to it, letting it consume you.

Eddie's POV

Eddie sits ever so still in the tree top, looking down at you. He knows you've seen him, he messed up. You seem so broken, so lost. He wants to hold you, tell you everything is okay and that he's back. But he knows he can't. It would jeopardise the mission. Can he even feel love anymore? He wasn't sure. It was more like pity.. he pitied you, you poor lost soul. But there was more, a slight nagging.. maybe he had something human still left in him. He just sat and watched and waited, until your friends came to pick you up and take you away. El was amongst them, he could take all of them if he really wanted to, but the timing didn't seem quite right. So he stayed and watched from a distance, waiting for the right moment to strike.

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