Didn't Get To Say Goodbye

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Eddie's POV

"A bloody dragon? Seriously?" Shouted Wayne. Everyone was in complete shock. Facing down Vecna was one thing... but facing down Vecna that had transformed into a terrifying, giant dragon.. well, that was something else. If that wasn't bad enough, even though a lot of his creatures had melted to help form his new self, there were still hundreds upon thousands standing in unison. To be fair, they shouldn't be that hard to handle... with the power of manipulation at their hands, not one of those creatures should touch anyone in the group.
There was an astounding clap of thunder in the sky, shortly followed by a bright crimson streak of lightning. It forked down and directly hit Vecna on his dragon nose. Surely that's got to hurt? Nope. Apparently that fuelled his power. He let out an almighty roar that took Eddie's breath away. The bare trees started shaking as Eddie realised that the roar was signalling more creatures to come. Those bloody bats. They came in such enormous flocks that they turned the sky black. This was truly something from a horror movie. They swarmed around Vecna as if to create a barrier.
"YOU CANNOT DEFEAT ME!" roared Vecna.. but the voice boomed inside everyone's head.

Your POV

You and Lucas had finished up your 15th game of snap and wanted to play something else. You ravaged through the games and picked Monopoly. Nice and simple, not too much brain power needed. Lucas helped you set up all the relevant things on the board and you rolled first. You were winning by a mile when you got bored again.
"Can we just talk?" You asked Lucas.
"Of course, what you wanna talk about?" He questioned.
"Umm... let's talk about the future... ya know, if we get Max and Eddie back. If she comes back, what do you wanna do?" You quiz him.
"Well.... I would hope when all of this is over that we could just live a normal life. I love her Y/N, I really do, and I would love to grow old with her, marry her and have kids" Lucas poured his heart out, "what about you and Eddie?".
"Well Eddie made me a promise... that if he comes back, we're gonna move away from here... leave all this shit behind. We'll get married, get a house and who knows about the kids... if he can't change back to a human then..." you let the words trail off as the reality hit you. Eddie might not be able to have kids. It wasn't the worst thing in the world but... your heart always longed. Never mind, there was always adoption.
You and Lucas sat in silence for a while until a loud noise broke it. You heard screaming. It was quiet at first but it slowly became louder and louder.
"Wait here! I'm gonna go check it out" you tell Lucas. Rushing upstairs to the front room window, you saw loads of people running and screaming... as if they were running from something. Shit. Did Vecna come back here? Then you saw them. Demo dogs, demogorgans... chasing the people of Hawkins.. tearing them apart. SHIT!
You ran back downstairs and screamed at Lucas to help you board the doors. You used whatever you could find and pushed everything up against the basement door. You told him that the creatures of the Upside Down had come back to Hawkins and were terrorising everyone. You needed to keep Max safe.. and that meant keeping everyone and anything out. You felt so on edge... nothing would be able to distract you now. It was just a waiting game.

Eddie's POV

Eddie didn't know what to do.. he was frozen to the spot. He looked over at everyone and they seemed to be in the same position as him. Not knowing the next move. Suddenly, a huge group of demogorgans and demo dogs came rushing towards them. That shook everyone into action. El and Kali raised theirs arms and started blasting waves of power at them, making them implode. Hopper and Wayne cocked their guns and started shooting down as many as they could. Steve was still frozen to the spot, shocked at the enormity of the situation. Eddie, using his vampire speed, started whizzing around the clearing slashing and beheading the creatures. He was so fast that they didn't even see him coming... but it wasn't enough. For every 50 creatures they killed, another 100 came charging at them.
"El!! To your left!" Hopper shouted as he saw some demogorgans advancing quickly. They got maybe ten foot away from the group before El obliterated them. That was close. Too close. Eddie took a step back to collect himself and reassess the situation. He needed to get to Vecna. He watched the scene before him; a spray of bullets tore through the first line of Vecnas defence, making the creatures screech and howl and eventually become lifeless. He saw a group of the creatures shiver and quake as their insides turned too goo before exploding. Kali was putting up imaginary barriers all over, which gave the team a few seconds advantage as the opposition became confused.
"Guys! Now might be the time to get those things on our side!" Yelled Hopper, gesturing at Eddie, Kali and El. All three instantly grouped together and faced forwards. They summoned their power and threw it out into the clearing. The demo dogs whined, but dropped to the floor and rolled over to show their bellies. Almost like a dog playing 'dead'. The demogorgans stopped their attack, seemingly a bit confused, but turned and started walking away from the clearing.
"You can't keep this up forever!" Screamed Vecna. With that, he tried to send forward some more of his troops, but they didn't budge. They were well and truly under our control now. The Power3 could've made them turn on Vecna and attack him instead, leaving him vulnerable to an attack from Eddie, but they didn't. They were waiting, holding out for something else. Hopper started advancing, signalling for the rest of the team to stay close behind. Step by step, they all got closer to Vecna. When they were about halfway across the clearing Vecna came charging at them. He could easily crush them under his giant dragon foot. The team all ran in unison before disappearing under a cloak of invisibility.
"You have tried this before, it did not work
then and it will not work now!" His voice overpowered Eddie's mind and made him drop to his knees. His stomach was in knots, his head was pounding, his body aching. What the hell was this? He glanced up to see El and Kali also twisting around on the floor.
"Leave my daughter alone!" Roared Hopper as he started spraying bullets at Vecna. It made him release whatever hold he had on the Power3, but they didn't do any damage.. his skin just absorbed them... then started bubbling. Every bullet that disappeared slowly reappeared at the surface, then shot with ferocious speed back towards the group. Kali and El threw up a blast of power to deflect them.. but not before some damage was already done.
Eddie let out a feral scream as he watched his uncle crumple to the floor.
"Uncle Wayne!" He sobbed as he rushed over to him... but he was already gone. His body was riddled with bullets, the ground beneath him soaked in blood. No. No this can't be! He didn't even get to say goodbye!
"I will kill you! If it's the last thing I bloody do! I will rip you limb from limb!!" Eddie cursed at Vecna, but his response was just a guttural laugh, full of evil and glee at the murder he'd committed.
Eddie stood up, his purple eyes glowing unnaturally in the darkness of the woods.
"Eddie no!" Yelled El as he rushed towards Vecna, the determination set on his face. Vecna spread his long, scaly claws outwards, as if to welcome the attack, but in one fell swoop, Eddie found himself pummelled into the ground, staring straight up into a set of murderous eyes.

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