Case 1: The invisible man

Start from the beginning

Lily: I'll keep looking.

The sergeant walks from Lily. Her partner with Blue hair and white eyes leans on one of the lockers in the room.

Lily: Who would do this to a child?

Grace: There's alot of sickos out there Lily.

Lily: But this. I asked her coworkers this girl wouldn't hurt a fly. Straight A's, perfect home. Perfect family.

Grace: Hey, we're gonna find out who did this Lily. You wanna take a moment?

Lily: Sure.

Thomas: No, no. Your wrong Kyle?

Kyle: How?

Thomas: R.E. Zero is not a good anime.

Kyle: Tell me why?

Thomas: Kyle, no matter how much we want it. There's no way in hell, a loser like Subaru would end up with a harem of girls just for him existing. He has nothing special about him besides being able to die over and over again.

Kyle: Ok, so is Evangelion trash because-

Tom: Don't you even compare the two...... That's a complete slap in face to what it actually is. Shinji stays a loser throughout the entire show and everyone calls him a coward for it. He doesn't end with every girl he comes into contact with because half of them hate him. The only people who liked him was Rei, and she was a clone of his dead mother and then Kaworu was an angel trying to get to adam. He gets no bitches, and when he didn't. He went to the nearest hospital and you know what happens next. It's unrealistic, it's author's trying to appeal to their audience for "relatable characters". Sometimes, we don't want someone who's just like us. We just want a cool character, someone who doesn't remind us how shitty our lives are.

Kyle: You really need to stop watching those anime breakdown videos.

Thomas: No, I'm not going to. How do you think I do so good in Literature.

Kyle: I see why? Anyway, what were doing?

Thomas: Yeah, we were going to read berserk for my club tomorrow. I have to get a summary for the first arc.

Kyle: What is berserk about. I've never read it before.

Thomas: The answer to that question is found in berserk my friend.

Kyle: I'm confused, you can't tell me what is it about?

Thomas: No, you have to read it yourself.

Kyle: Read it myself...... Alright.


Kyle: Sorry, that's my phone

Kyle pulls out his phone to see his messages. He finds a wall of text from multiple persons in school.

Check the news

Check the news man

Did you see the news

Hey did you see the news b?

And it continues on.

Thomas: What happened?

Kyle: Check the news? What happened?

Kyle goes to their local news page online and finds something horrific.

Thomas: What is it?........ Kyle? Yo, your scaring me. What happened?

Thomas takes Kyle's phone from him and he sees what has him so shocked.

This evening, a teenager had been found dead inside of the locker room of her work.

Everything after that, Thomas no longer cares for.

Living Life Large.(NeedlemOuse Fanfiction) *On Break*Where stories live. Discover now