Chapter 22: Wilbur's Resolve

Start from the beginning

"I know, isn't it great?" The taller of the three chuckled, gesturing with his free hand.

Quackity nodded with a smirk, "This is wonderful, actually! Anarchy is causing chaos downtown, we're doing murder, honestly this evening has been great. Ooh, songbird we should've brought marshmallows! We could've roasted them on the fire and made s'mores!"

"Damn, we should've brought marshmallows," Wilbur agreed, contemplating. "Then again, Tommy would've been upset since he wasn't invited. And I doubt we would've saved him and Miriam some."

"I fear for the day that child eats chocolate," his partner shuddered.

His twin gave him a vaguely horrified look, "Wilbur, this isn't like you. This is completely insane! I would've understood if this was an attack against dad but this is just-this isn't revenge this is just chaos!"

"Techno, Techno, Techno," Wilbur shook his head. "Atlas, dearest twin of mine, this isn't just about our petty family drama anymore. Phil is an abusive piece of shit, and I'll get to him soon enough, but I'm looking at the bigger picture now. This is so much more than just the two of us, more than just my hatred for you and for Phil. This is about the entirety of the hero system. This is how the Hero Committee has essentially taken over our government. This is about anarchy and killing the problem at its source!"

"Have I mentioned that I love when you talk like that?" Quackity questioned. "Okay, I'm going to say it more. I really love hearing you talk like that."

Techno just gave the villain a long look.

"Simp," he grumbled before turning back to look at Wilbur. "Okay... okay I get it. Society has a lot of problems. But no government is free from some kind of issue. What you're thinking of would never survive, Wilbur. We're humans. We need some kind of social structure. We need some kind of government because people are just like that. They need someone to lead them."

"Maybe we do need leaders," the magpie avian hummed. "Maybe we do need some kind of structure to function. But that doesn't mean we need this government. The concept of 'hero' is stupid in the fucking first place. The Hero Committee shouldn't be able to walk all over everyone and be allowed to do whatever it damn well pleases. I'm not just doing this for myself, Atlas. I'm doing this for everyone. I'm doing it for every child that's been cast away or abused by the system. I'm doing this for every single person who's down on their luck because of a bad hand society gave them. I'm doing it for everyone who was wronged or hurt by the system we live in. For the kids who could never find homes because of discrimination, for every mutation powered person who's been turned away from jobs or forced to hide certain aspects of their power. I'm doing this for Tommy, I'm doing this for Ace, I'm doing this for every single person I've met who has something tragic to tell. Bee, Blink, Anarchy, Loki, Foolish, Slime, all of them."

His gaze hardened, "And I'm doing it for you, as well. Because Phil fucking hurt you just as much as he hurt me and Tommy. Because he forced his responsibilities as a parent on you. For all the subtle manipulation, and every fucking thing he's forced us to become. But Phil isn't the root of the fucking problem, Techno. He never was. It'd be misguided for me to make him the focus of my anger."

"Wilbur you don't have to kill civilians to do that!" His twin shouted. "I know that things are fucking bad right now! I understand-"

"YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND ANYTHING!" Wilbur yelled, headache pounding worse as Quackity glanced at him in concern.

"You never understood," the fallen hero growled, clutching the detonator in his hand tightly. "You were always part of the fucking problem. You always just stood to the side and let Phil get away with his fucking bullshit. You never pushed him to get you that damn medicine, even after you hurt me during one of your episodes. You never stood up to him, you never did anything to resist his bullshit. I became a fucking hero because I felt like you were leaving me behind! You were always so infuriatingly perfect! You never made Phil recognize my efforts, hell, you never even tried! Nothing I ever did as a hero was recognized as my own fucking work! Do you remember that damn party a few months back, Tech? I was nothing more than a fucking accessory then! But not anymore. I'm never fucking going back. I will NEVER become your shadow again!"

You Were Never Meant to be a Hero (Quackbur Superhero AU)Where stories live. Discover now