I held his hand
" Do everything it takes but make sure my daughter comes out alive"
I could see fear in his eyes, I know I shouldn't have to be rude but we are talking about my daughter and I am not letting anything happen to her.

"No worries Mr. DeLuca the princess needs me. I'll make sure everything is alright "
Saying that he rushed towards the ward letting me think that why did he call Bella princess because the title of princess will always be of Anna but not focusing more on this topic I let my thoughts towards my Isa praying that she should be fine.

After four hours of surgery Dr. came out and rushed towards him and asked about Isa's health
"She is fine, she should wake up by tomorrow. But she still needs care and please don't talk in loud voices near her it can cause an effect on her ears."

We were all so relieved all my sons were relaxed that their cute little sister is out of danger we were just waiting for her to wake up now.

We were discussing her discharge when my phone rang again I disconnected it once, but it rang again being irritated I shouted at the other person.

"Is this Lucian DeLuca?"
"Yes... Who is this?"
"Sir we have called to inform you that the Annabella Rose DeLuca now needs a legal guardian as the boarding school she was studying is demolished because of the illegal activities going on there."

My heart stopped for once my baby was associated with an illegal school and we didn't know that and now she needs a guardian. She is coming back I am so happy.

"Sir would you like to take her guardianship or you want her in the system."
"Of course I'll take her guardianship "

"So sir she will reach the airport by tomorrow morning you can collect her from there ."

But by the time I ended the call the whole family was looking at me.
"Who was that?"
"Your sister is coming back tomorrow."

I don't know what they feel about her but in no way I'm letting my daughter go into the system, she is my daughter.
So they have to accept the fact that she is coming back. But still I could see a certain amount of relief in their eyes which I have not seen in so many years, relief of finally getting their final piece back together

Alessandro's POV

My angel is coming home finally I don't know how she is or how she looks. Did she hate us for sending her away or is she changed. I hope she has overcome her jealousy after all those years away from us otherwise we are going to have a problem.

I will not let her repeat what she did to Isabella to anyone. She was a mere child she could have died because of her jealousy.

But my first motive is to calculate her and if she is a threat she is not staying with us. But in all this there is a secret that I missed her. Our lives have changed we all fake smiles but no one really smiles. Brittany is okay and Isabella is such an innocent baby. Annabella was a mixture of both mom and dad and hence she was mischievous but a sweetheart so there is really no one who could take her place.

But I don't know now what her thought process is or how she would behave to our rules. I just hope she is not a spoilt brat that Brittany has been because I cannot deal with another one and they both together would be a bad influence on Isabella.

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