All about Capricorn

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Favorite color: Lime Green
Favorite animal: Cheetah
Favorite ice cream flavor: Strawberry
Favorite candy: Reese's
Favorite chips: Ruffles
Favorite sport: Tennis
Favorite video game: Fall Guys
Favorite place to visit: Rome
Favorite holiday: National Milk Day
Favorite restaurant: Denny's
Favorite food to eat: French Fries but make them American
Favorite subject in school: English
Favorite song: Closer
Favorite thing to wear: Green and black shirt and black pants
Favorite book(s) to read: Constellations, Lavender (I mean it!)
Favorite sign(s): Virgo, Gemini, and Sagittarius
Least favorite sign(s): Aquarius, Libra, and Aries
Ex gf: Aquarius
Favorite TV show: Shameless
Favorite movie: Jurassic Park
Relationship status: Single
Partner: N/A
Hookup for now: Gemini

Capricorn's background:
Capricorn lived in an area where no one ever dared to say no to him growing up. In school, he was the popular "rich kid" and he was significantly failing all classes including lunch. (Which don't even make sense💀💀). Even though he seems like a bad guy, he would never do anything to hurt anyone. He got into a relationship with Aquarius because he wanted someone to love until he was badly betrayed and had to take the blame for everything. He realizes that he's worth so much more and found the one and only ✨Gemini✨ (shoutout to all my amazing Geminis out there, y'all are badass). Capricorn and Gemini are currently going out but we don't know if they're dating yet... we'll see :)

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