Chapter 21- Run.

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"I didn't, I promise."

"Are you 100% sure?" She asked me.
"I swear.". She sighed.
"Personally I think it's just a coincidence, maybe she just wants to make steak, I mean she has a point we have been patient and besides those beans were disgusting," Stephanie said.
"Aw, guys I think Stephanie is right! She is just praising us for our patience, it's not like she said she would start to kill people if they didn't find a cure to a zombie apocalypse she started!" Ruth said in an extremely fake happy voice. She looked like she wanted to kill Stephanie.
"Oh shut up, you know I didn't mean it like that," Stephanie shouted.
"It sounded like that.".
"Okay, let's all just calm down, what I think Stephanie was trying to say was that she thinks we are looking to far into this and overthinking it." Said Bonnie.
"I think it's a distraction. I think she wants to make sure everyone comes to dinner today so nobody will notice the terrible things she will say at her meeting." Forest said.
"I think your right, so now would be a perfect time to record her." Justin agreed.
"So we are still going ahead with the plan?" Brody asked.
"Yep." Said Forest.
"Yeah.." Agreed Ruth.

While we waited for dinner time to come around Bonnie and Stephanie were messing around with the phones while I watched.
"Oh my god Steph, let's see if our FaceTime still works." Bonnie said excitedly.
"Aw remember when we used to FaceTime everyday after school." Stephanie said.
"Oh my god I do! I kinda miss it.".
"No way I hated school anyway let see if it works, FaceTime me." Stephanie said.
Bonnie pressed Stephanie's name and a ringing sound came out of the phone.
"It works!" Stephanie shouted and pressed answer.
Suddenly a loud ringing sound came out of both phones which made me cover my ears.
"Put yours on mute Bonnie!". So she did and the ringing sound thankful went. Soon we were interrupted by Ruth and Forest.
"It's time." Said Ruth.
Stephanie shut off her phone and handed it to Ruth. "We will meet you all back here, try not to act suspicious while we are gone." Said Forest.
"Bye, be careful." I said as they walked away.
We all watched closely as they made their way to the door with the phone in hand. It was time. The wait was over. But just as they made it to the door Stella York appeared out of nowhere and stood right in front of them.
My heart sank to my stomach, what was she doing there? I looked over at everyone else to see that they were just as shocked as I.

"Can you hear that?" Justin said.
"Hear what?" Brody asked.
"It sounds like muffled talking?".
"My phone, it's still on FaceTime!" Said Bonnie.
We all raced over to her phone that was still on the bed.
"Can they hear us?" I asked.
"No I put it on mute.". She put the volume up all they way so we could hear what they were saying. But we couldn't see, as the phone was in Ruth's hand, I don't think she realised it was on FaceTime.

"Your Ruth and Forest? Correct?" Stella asked them both.
"Yeah.." they both replied.
"Please, follow me." She said.

"Why isn't she in her office what's going on?'' I asked.
"I think she is onto us." Said Kenji.

We could hear some rustling from the other side of the phone. I glanced over at Ruth and Forest to see that they had now followed her to her Office.
"Please take a seat." Said Stella.
"Do you know why I have brought you in here?" She asked them.
"No." Forest replied.
"Let's not play stupid? You know exactly why.". Neither of them spoke.
"I guess I will have to remind you. My son here, Oscar told me he heard you two discussing a plan to trespass into the Staff only area, record a private meeting and show it to the public, correct?".

Kenji and I both looked at each other too shocked to speak. Oscar was Stella York's SON? And I knew he was spying on us that day, I knew he could hear our plan but no one listened to me.
"Yeah, that was our plan, and we were only going to do it because we heard you say you started this whole apocalypse!" Ruth shouted.
"Shit this is bad, they can't even record her now, we are so screwed!" Kenji panicked.
"I have an idea!" I said. Everyone looked at me.
"Stella's microphone is still over there, we can put the phone up to it and let everyone hear what she is saying." I said.
"Willow you are a genius!" Kenji shouted. We all rushed over to the microphone. Brody turned it on.
"Can we get everyone's attention?" He asked them. Everyone in the line and in the entire place looked at him. "You might want to hear this." He said and put the phone to the microphone.
Everyone looked confused but listened.

"Okay I admit I payed a scientist to create this apocalypse. But I only done it so I could then come in pretend to save my people and get them all to trust me and like me and most of all forget my past." She said.

Everyone in the room gasped. Brody came back onto the mic. "This is your beloved President speaking!"

"There was so many other ways you could have gained our trust or made us like you. Why this, why a zombie apocalypse?" Ruth asked her.
"Of course there was other ways but I didn't want to just gain my countries respect and trust I wanted to gain the world's. I wanted everyone to know my name, to look at me as a hero, and forget my past mistakes. So I knew I needed to be the one to give you all safety and then 'think of a cure'. So until I find a scientist that can think of a cure each and every one of you people are staying here.". She screamed.
Everyone in the room was shocked. And so was I.
"Oh and if you even think of trying to tell anyone about this, I will make sure to kill both of you and kill whoever you tell. So if you like living, I suggest you tell nobody about this, because me and my staff will find out. Now, you can leave but remember I am always watching you. Enjoy the steak."

Brody came back on the microphone again. "That is your president speaking, she is going to kill us all if we don't leave now. So everyone, RUN." .

Everyone started screaming and running for the door. It was suddenly kicked down and the chaos began. People were screaming, crying, grabbing their things and running.
"Quick everyone get there stuff and meet back here!" Bonnie shouted over the noise. Kenji took my hand as we ran back to our beds to get our bags while we desperately dogged people in our way. Once we all made it back to each other Ruth and Forest were still nowhere to be seen.

"Come on let's go." Said Stephanie.
"Wait." I shouted.
"I'm not leaving without Ruth and Forest." I said.
"Me neither." Kenji agreed.
"If we don't go now the president will catch us. And most likely kill us." Bonnie said.
"I'll take that risk, I'm not leaving without them, not after all they have done for me. You can all go, but I am staying." I said. And I meant it. Ruth and Forest are the reason I am alive and if waiting on them would be the death of me them so be it.
"Willow is right. We will stay here you go." Said Kenji. They all glanced at each other.
"Okay." Said Stephanie. "But before I go." She took a bag out of her backpack and handed it to me.
"Give these to Ruth, tell her I am sorry for that day we robbed her and got into that fight. Tell her I am so so sorry. And most importantly, I am sorry Willow. I am sorry for abandoning you in that shop. I should have never did that and I hope you can forgive me." Stephanie said. I was shocked. Was she really apologising? I looked down into the bag to see it was full of guns. It was Ruth's guns. They must have hid them from the security on the when in here.
"Thank you..." I said.
"Come on Stephanie lets go." Justin urged her.
"Wait, one last thing." She said. She handed me car keys.
"You'll need it more than us. It's to a white jeep that's parked out front." .
"Thank you so much!" I said.
"You deserve it. Be safe, we have to go." . With that, they ran off like everyone else, out the door.

"Ruth Forest!" Kenji screamed. I turned around to see them running towards us.
"What's happening?" Ruth asked.
"Where is everyone?" Forest asked.
"Where is Stephanie?" Ruth asked us.
I handed her the bag of guns and the keys.
"They're gone and Stephanie said sorry and gave your guns back and they keys to a white jeep out front." I explained.
"Why? What they hell is happening?" Forest asked.
"The phone you had, it was on FaceTime so Willow had the idea to put the phone to the microphone Stella used and everyone heard what she said and ran out the door." Kenji explained.
"Oh my god.. Well let's go!"

We bolted to the door and just as we got to it we heard the scariest scream I have ever heard. "GET BACK HERE!" Stella screamed from outside her office.


The Start of The EndOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora