Chapter 12- 'Miss no time to dye'

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But then we were interrupted by the sound of a familiar voice.
"Hey, your guns worked really well, Miss no time to dye!" It was Stephanie.

Who was 'Miss no time to dye?'. I looked up at Ruth to see her glaring at Stephanie.

Then it hit me Stephanie was talking to Ruth, and she was referring to when I first met Ruth getting robbed. "Stay here" She whispered in a cold tone.
Ruth walked up to Stephanie. Stephanie handed her phone to Bonnie, it looked like Bonnie also had her phone with her. I was jealous as I wished I still had my tablet with me to watch YouTube. The rest of Stephanie's friends were observing the situation not far behind her.

"No time to die?" Ruth questioned.
"Yeah that's what me and my friends call you, No time to dye spelt 'D' 'Y' 'E' , because it look like you haven't finished dying your hair." .
Just as Stephanie said that she grabbed Ruth's hair and pulled it.

Let me remind you Ruth's hair is brown but the two front pieces of her hair are dyed blonde

Now a circle had formed around them.

"That's weird me and MY friends call you a little sassy bitch!" Said Ruth followed by a punch straight to Stephanie's face.
I gasped.
"What's happening?" I asked Kenji on the verge of tears.
"Looks like Ruth and this girl are about to fight!" He said in amazement.
He was excited. What an idiot!
"No I don't want them to, Ruth might get hurt!" I cried.
"By the looks of it the other girl is getting hurt." Said Kenji grinning ear to ear.
To my disbelief, in a matter of seconds Ruth was on top of Stephanie punching her.

But Stephanie had Ruth by the hair and was also getting a few hits in.

"Go Ruth!" Kenji cheered while I was hysterically sobbing beside him.
I didn't know Ruth could fight this well.
Without missing a second Ruth would be punching Stephanie.
Pull hair.

I couldn't watch anymore. Even if Ruth was 'winning' this fight she was still getting hurt and I didn't want that.

"Kenji is Ruth going to die?" I asked still sobbing.
"I don't know, just go get Forest he should probably see this!" He said pushing me away.

I ran as fast as I could to Forest.
I could still hear Kenji cheering Ruth on when I got to Forest's bed.
He was still staring at the ceiling. Once he heard my crying he immediately jumped up.

"What's wrong?" He asked frantically.
"Ruth and Stephanie are on the ground punching each other!" I cried.
"What! Shit, come on show me where!".
I climbed down the ladder while he jumped off the bunk bed.
I stared to run to where they were.

"Where's Kenji?" He asked.
"Over there cheering her on!" I pointed.
"Of course!" He mumbled.

He ran into the middle of the circle that had formed around Ruth and Stephanie.

I over ran to Kenji.
"Oh for god sake here's Forest trying to play the hero after being in bed all day doing nothing!" Kenji huffed.
"He's stopping the fight!" I said defensively .
"Yeah that's the problem!".

Meanwhile Forest had his arms wrapped around Ruth dragging her off Stephanie. "I'll kill you!" Screamed Stephanie. While Ruth is trying to kick her, in Forest's arms.

"Didn't look like it!" Ruth shouted back smiling.

Finally Bonnie grabbed Stephanie's arm and they walked away. Along with the rest of the crowd since the fight was now over. Me and Kenji ran to Ruth. But I was taking back when I seen Ruth's face.
She had a bloody nose, a busted lip and very messed up hair, and she was supposed to be 'winning'. I obviously started sobbing again.

"Are you ok?" I cried.
"Yeah I am fine!" She said wiping the blood off of her face.
"That was so cool!" Said Kenji excitedly.
"No it wasn't!" Forest interjected. "I mean are you serious? We have been here a day, not even! And you are starting fight?".
"Starting fights? She started it, I finished it!" Ruth said "And who do you think you are talking to? When you have been in bed all day, I get your trying to cope with everything but so am I, so is everyone, but you could still at least try help with Willow and Kenji!".
"Try help? Do you even hear yourself, all you did was line up with them to get food and then got into a huge fight in front of them! Great example!".
"All I did was line up? Well I guess you missed the part when Kenji full force slapped Willow in the face, who do you think had to sort that out? Me! While you were 'asleep'. Trust me I get it we all cope in different ways but please try help me!" .
"Stop turning this on me! This is about you starting fights and acting like a child!" .

I couldn't take it anymore.

"Stop being mean to Ruth!" I shouted at Forest.
"Willow go!" He said.
"No! Stop being mean to Ruth!" I shouted still crying. This wasn't Ruth's fault. Stephanie started the fight. And Forest didn't even ask if she was okay.

"Willow I said go!" He screamed. Which sent me into another fit of sobs.

"Don't talk to her like that!" Shouted Ruth. "
You don't get to tell me how to act after that!".

"Come on.." replied Kenji in a soft pitiful tone while taking my hand.

The Start of The EndOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora