Chapter Twenty

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Walker's pov

I was resting my face on Stella's head until i saw bodhi and shay kissing, stella saw me that i was sad and was thinking for a second.

She suddenly lean forward and kissed me. I was so shocked that i couldn't comprehend what happened.

She winked at me, God could i be inlove with this girl?

Stella's pov

After i broke the kiss with walker i felt like there was a million of butterflies escaping my stomach and flying around while we look at each other.

It was a golden moment. i rested my head into his chest and kept the moment like its gonna last forever.

It was a four minutes and song and everything felt like it was hours. But eventually the song ended we tore apart to each other.

"So am i a good dancer?" Walker asked still holding hand.

"That's presumptuous of you" i smiled at him not breaking any eye contact.

We went to our table and talked to our friends.

"Babe explain us all" momo said as she fixed her chair and sitting.

"Oh my god i saw you kissing him" xochitl's jaw was open.

I explain everything to them and their mouth went into the floor.

The night was a golden moment but eventually it ended. Me and my friends decided to go the beach.

We walked on the sand while golding our heels on our hands, we talked about how people broke up on the dance while dancing. Or how bodhi looked so pressed when he kissed shay.


I woke up with my phone having a blast on messages from walker.

In love with ryan reynolds🤭

Hey weirdo wake up



If you don't wake up i'll go to your house


Sinking the sink👍🏼

good cause im ready to blast into your room

What is it

Come over to my house

And why would i?

Because i said so

R u kidding me?

Lol kidding, remember we have a school project?

Yeah alr gonna be there at 3
Delivered 10:30

I continued my sleep and set an alarm for two hours.

After two hours my alarm i woke up and ate some breakfast after that i showered and put some comfy clothes on.

I knocked at the scobell's door and walker answered.

"Your late" he said glaring his eyes at me sarcastically.

"Chill im only 15 minutes late" i said as i go inside his house.

I greeted his mom who was cooking dinner and headed to his room.

While i was discussing about the plot on our story walker was staring at my lips and my eyes, it was driving me crazy.

I was waiting for his response for the plot but he can't stop staring at me. I felt this thing that was pulling my self like im going to kiss him. Like that feeling in the dance last night.

To my shocked walker was doing the same. Our lips almost touching, i can feel his warmth presence.

"Hey lovebirds- oh my uh walker mom said dinner is read-" leena barges into the room and broke her voice while saying the sentence

"holy shi- how many time did i told you leena to knock before entering my room"he said as he get up and closed the door

" Im so sorry for my sister, she's always like that" he sat back down and continued writing in his note book

" No it okay, i kinda find it cute" i smiled at him.

" Well im going home its kinda getting late now " i stand up and walker held my hand, stopping me.

" Uh can you maybe pls stay for dinner, i want you to meet my paren- i mean my parents want to know you" he smiled like i didn't know what that mean.

I was at the dinner table with a very awkward silence.

" So hunny are you walker's girlfriend? " Walkers mom said having a smile on her face, walker chocked on the chicken he ate.

" Mom, pls im so sorry stell-" he looked at me with a concern face

" Why did you ask that? " I ask her with a stupid grin on my face

"Well walker is always talking about you, surprising that walker talked about a girl that isn't shay" she said sipping on her wine.

" Mom pls stop your embarrassing me" walker whispered at his mom hiding his face at Leena's shoulder

" Im just asking her if she's your girlfriend there nothing wrong with tha-" his mom said with a bit of concerning tone but i cut her off

" Yes, walker is my boyfriend " i smiled at them and looked at walker who was a complete tomato.

" Well congrats, I can't believe walker didn't told us that your his girlfriend, we liked you" his mom had a bigger smile when i said the sentence

After a few chatting about how i liked walker, how walker liked me and and what is the first word that i said to him.

I was on his porch saying goodbye to his family.

"So why did you actually said that?" He had a confused face

" Well you said were boyfriend and girlfriend from the outside right? Goodbye " i said as i fixed my hair and pecking him on the lips leaving him and his jaw dropped.


sorry i didn't update for a couple weeks its bcs of school lmaoo but im gonna make more chapter as i can byeee ily<33

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