The ninja start speaking with Uncle Wu so Lloyd comes over to me while I sweep up the glass.

"Well, today sucked!" He grumbles

"Something we agree on."

He makes an annoyed noise, "why is it so hard? It didn't seem this hard with the other elements."

I sweep the glass in the dust pan and empty it in the trash. But I keep the broom and mindlessly swing it around.

"I don't know, but it's so frustrating!"

"I didn't expect this to be easy, but this is ridiculous."

I swing the broom and smack it against the punching bag, watching it swings back and forth for a few seconds, "maybe if we didn't have this much pressure on us, we'd be able to do it."

"What pressure?" He furrows his eyebrows

"Oh, come on, Lloyd." I exasperate and stop swinging the broom for a second, "obviously we have to figure this out because it's the only way to fight in the final battle."

He rolls his eyes, "that's not gonna happen for years, Linds. We don't have to have it all figured out right now."

I hit the bag again, "yeah, but it's still hanging over our heads."

"What will happen if we lose?" He whispers

I don't respond and go back to smack it one more time and manage to snap the broom in half. So I switch to my fists. I don't have gloves on or anything so it kinda stings, but I ignore it. I'm too angry to care right now.

My brother's quiet for a minute while I continue to beat the punching bag. He punches the bag next to it and it swings so hard it smacks the wall beside it. It then swings back, once again and crashes into Lloyd, knocking him over.

He jumps up with a glare and kicks the bag this time. I snort at him and punch the bag again, hard. I'm successful in busting my knuckles open.

I hiss in pain and hood my hand close. This for some reason makes me even more upset, so I roundhouse kick the bag, making it away heavily on the chain.

"What will happen if we lose?... actually we know the answer. Dad takes over Ninjago. That can't happen. But how are Lloyd and I supposed to stop him? Are we even capable of that?"

"This is too much for a couple of 9 year olds to be worrying about."

I hear Lloyd grunt in pain and turn to start at him. He's lying facedown on the mat, the bag swaying back and forth over him.

"Did you just head-but it?" I deadpan

He groans and holds his head, sitting up and glares at me, "maybe."

"Twins." Uncle Wu says

I grab Lloyd and pull him up and we turn to face our uncle, but keep our eyes on each other and continue our conversation.

I snort and roll my eyes, "that's a great way to defeat your enemies. I'll keep that technique in mind."


Chaos Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora