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The ninja spend the next few days helping repair the city which means Lloyd and I are dragged around with them. We help with clean up, but can really do much when it comes to actually fixing things.

The roads are severely backed up as the construction on the roads commence. The hood above the subway is the worst of it though. Not to mention the subways themselves being down as they fix everything up down there.

Needless to say, the entire atmosphere of the city changed dramatically even in the past few days. Most businesses are only starting to reopen and then it's only essential businesses.

Nya and Wu have been helping as well, but they've been in other places around the city.

"At the least the cities finally free of Serpentine." Cole remarks as he and Jay hold the sign past steady so Zane weld it into place.

Kai stands off to the side with an annoyed expression. Without the Golden Weapons, they haven't been able to control their elemental powers. Meaning he hasn't used his fire in 2 days which is too long for him apparently.

He huffs, "if I still had my powers, I'd be able to weld it too and this would be much faster."

"Or he could get another welding tool." I mummer to Lloyd. He snorts and rolls his eyes, biting back a smile.

"Don't tell him that though." He replies

Kai tries to use his powers once again without any results. He throws up his hands angrily, "this is frustrating! Our weapons are gone and our powers are gone." He continues as the post slips to the side.

The other 3 move it back into place and Zane continues to weld it down.

"I mean, we can still do Spinjitzu, but..." he tries one more time, focusing even more and still nothing, "I just feel so, I don't know, limited. And thanks to the Devourer, our tanked out of commission, our dragon's hurt, and now that the Bounty is destroyed, we don't even have a place to sleep!"

"What happened to the positivity from only 2 days ago? But I am gonna agree with not having a place to sleep. Sure, hotels have opened up their rooms for people who need it, but because we're ninja and heroes or some bullshit like that, we didn't take them and have been sleeping outside."

"No one ever said being a hero is easy." Zane replies once he's finished his task, "though our hood deeds may never make us rich, they make us rich in other ways."

"Yeah, well I don't feel rich." Kai grumbles back

"I for one enjoy pitching in." Jay adds, "I've always seen wanted to feel part of a community. Speaking on which, anyone seen Nya? She said she was gonna help."

Suddenly her bike comes around the corner, Wu in the sidecar, "hey guys, I may have found us a place to live." She announces, coming to a stop.

"Really? But there's a waiting list a mile long to live in Ninjago City. How'd you do that?" Jay asks

"I know a guy, who knows a girl, and she knows this girl who knows a guy. Well, this guy knows a girl who's a real estate agent, and she can help you find a place. If you catch my drift." She explains pulling out a brochure

The boys all stare at each other completely confused, but I nod, "I got you."

She shoots me a smile as Jay asks, "and where are you off to?"

"We have to find a couple of components to fix the Ninja tank, and my dragon ointment has finally arrived." Wu responds, "it's a few days trip, but once we get back, he'll be flying once again. Also, I love scenic drives. Punch it, Nya!"

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