One Akuma, Two Akuma, Three Akuma, More

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Hey, guys, Omen here. So, I don't normally right these notes, but I wanted to keep this next chapter from getting too wordy. So, just to sum it all up, Adrien was watching Marinette pretty closely the next day, and the field trip that Alya invited Ichigo to join them on was a trip to the hospital. They were going to hand out gifts and toys to the patients. That's all. I hope you like this next chapter!

-Omen out (;


Adrien noticed Marinette seemed a little upset the next day, despite her valiant efforts to keep it hidden. She remained sweet and cheerful around the patients, making efforts to talk and joke around with everyone she came in contact with, but he could tell something was bothering her. And it definitely didn't help that Ichigo remained by her side twenty-four seven, making it impossible for him to ask her about it. The class finished handing things out on the first floor before heading on to the second, deciding to use the elevator.

"Agh, can't this thing move any faster. I want to leave already. I hate this place! And these people grouse me out."

Chloe whined. Adrien rolled his eyes, as well as many of the other students, even Ichigo seemed a little annoyed. She always managed to spoil moments like this. But Adrien did have to give her props. At least she waited till they were out of ear shock from the patients.

"You should be more considerate, Chloe. These kids go through a lot more than you could ever imagine, sitting in cold hospital beds night after night, sometimes not even knowing if they'll even wake up again the next morning. It's hard, and what we're doing right now, though it's not much, can mean the world to them."

Marinette finished her speech, leaving Chloe quiet.

"I...I never thought about it that way."

She said softly. A few other kids nodded as well. Adrien remained quiet. He knew what Marinette was talking about. He had gone through something similar with his mom before she passed. It did him good to see some other people gain a little perspective, but he still wondered if Marinette was speaking from experience herself. And if that was the case, why hadn't he heard anything about it? Eventually, the elevator opened, and everyone was filed in when a group of nurses came running down the hall with a rollaway bed carrying a patient. Marinette, who still hadn't entered the elevator, watched them disappear around the corner, not breaking her stare even after they were long gone.

"Marinette, are you coming?"

Adrien asked softly. She jumped a little before shaking her head.

"No, you guys go ahead. I'm actually going to take the stairs. It looks pretty tight in there as it is."

As the elevator doors closed, he watched her turn and head for the stairs.


Marinette heard the nurses long before they rounded the corner, but seeing that little boy on the bed struggling to breathe under his oxygen mask nearly broke her. Suddenly, all of those memories came flooding back. Memories of her sitting in a hospital bed too weak to even move, slipping in and out of a coma, not knowing if she would ever get better. It was a miracle that she recovered at all. The doctors still couldn't explain it, but she could feel it coming back, and it was scaring her to death. She stared down the hallways for a long time, till she heard someone clear their throat and ask.

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