Who Is She?

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I don't really have a reason for this picture other than the fact that it makes me laugh. Hope you guys like this chapter

~ Omen out (;


Adrien was running off to find a place to transform when he saw the akuma hit Marinette. The effect was instantaneous, and he was by her side just as quickly. He, Alya, and Nino did their best to help their struggling friend, till finally she yelled.

"She wouldn't want this!"

A blinding light suddenly lit the room, and a small white butterfly flew up into the air. Adrien watched it fly out the window, eyes the size of sand dollars. That akuma had been purified!! He didn't even know someone could do that. After the akuma was safely out the window, the friends turned back to Marinette. She had pushed herself away so her back was pressed firmly into the corner and gently rocked herself back and forth as she sobbed into her folded arms. Alya was the first to approach, timidly wrapping her best friend in a tight hug.

"Marinette... Marinette, what's wrong?"

The troubled designer slowly lifted her head. But the tears continued to flow, so Alya cuddled up to her, gently pulling the girl in closer and letting her cry for a bit.




Marinette said again in between sniffs.

"That was how many people died when Mamoru was attacked."

"But how can you know for sure?"

Alya reasoned.

"Because I was there. I used to live there. I knew every...every person that died that day."

"But I thought your family was from France."

Nino said.

"They are, but I'm not."

She explained. Everyone stared at her with dumbstruck expressions.

"Wait, so you're adopted! Girl, you have to explain."

Marinette nodded.

"Well, for starters, my original name is Hayami Hymitso, and Ichigo is my brother."

Adrien nearly fell over. Her brother! That explained so much.

"My family lived in Mamoru up until I was eight years old. That was when we were attacked. An akuma by the name Elemento came first, setting fire to every home and stirring panic in the villagers."

Elemento. Adrien flinched. He had heard that name before. Wasn't that the name Ichigo called himself when he got akumatized?

"When it disappeared, the rest of the soldiers came in to finish the job. They killed without mercy, searching for something. I remember being terrified, huddling under my bed till someone came to get me. The people who attacked were after something my family had, something secret that we guarded. I never knew what it was; but when my parents died, Ichigo took on that burden. So, after about a year of running, he put me in an orphanage, under a new name, and left. I had no idea where he was or if he was alive or dead for the last ten years until he showed up a few days ago."

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