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Marinette felt her phone vibrate in her pocket when she sat down but decided to ignore it; but then it vibrated again and again so she pulled it out, only to find her mother had texted her like five times since being in the movie theater.

S - We need you to get home right away.

S - Where are you?

S - Marinette, it's kind of urgent

S - Marinette?

S - This can't wait!!

The first thing to hit Marinette's mind was worry. What could her mother be talking about? Then the panic set in. What if they discovered Marinette's secret? Or they found out that she hadn't really been where she said she was on her trip?

"Marinette, is something wrong?"

She heard Adrien say.

"Um, well, I don't really know, but I have to get home. I'll see you all at school tomorrow."

Then she dashed out the door, heading straight for the bakery. When she got there, the bakery was closed, which immediately put the young heroine on edge. The bakery was their livelihood. They wouldn't just close like this unless something big had happened. This reasoning only strengthened her previous theory. Had they really figured it out?!! She took the side door up to the apartment but was hesitant to open the door.

"What are you waiting for, Marinette. Your mother said it was urgent."

Tikki spoke from her purse.

"I know, Tikki, but what if they found out where I really was this summer."

"You'll have to face them regardless. It's better to deal with it now than stress about it for a few more hours."

Marinette knew she was right, but that didn't mean it didn't suck. So, mustering up her courage, she opened the door and entered into the apartments living area, only to stop dead in her tracks when she saw who was standing in it. Natalie Sancoeur, personal assistant to Gabriel Agreste, was standing in her living room, holding an iPad in her hands that had none other than THE Gabriel Agreste on the other end.

"Hello, Marinette, mind if I have a word with you."


"So, it's come to my attention that you have a great passion for the fashion world and quite the knack for it, as I have seen in the past."

Marinette nodded, not able to think of anything else to do in that moment. Gabriel Agreste was speaking to her. He had sought her out.

"It has also come to my attention, thanks to my son, that you have been gone the entire summer on a fashion internship in China."

He paused to see her reaction. Marinette slowly nodded again, feeling quite guilty about lying, but what choice did she have. Her parents were sitting right there. Gabriel smiled slightly.

"I am indeed impressed by you, and therefore have come to offer you a possible job, working for me at Agreste Labels as my right-hand designer. I'll have you work exclusively in the teen fashion line at first just to see how you do. I need a new, fresh style soon. Getting old unfortunately does have its disadvantages."

He said with a slight frown. Marinette was beside herself, and so were her parents, although they tried their best to keep composed.

"Well, are you interested?"

"YES!!! Oh my Gosh, YES!!! I'm interested. I mean, this is a huge opportunity. Thank you, Mr. Agreste. I won't let you down."

Gabriel nodded.

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