Being Back

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Marinette blinked a few times before she sat up. She had been a little startled when Adrien plowed into her. She knew he was just trying to be the gentleman and shield her from the glass, but still! He was so close!

"Come on, Marinette. We have to get out of here."

Tikki called, snapping Marinette out of her trance.

"You're right, Tikki. Come on!"

She said, running out the door. By now, the villain was just outside the school, hovering over a construction site.


From where Marinette was, she could see Chat Noir already on the scene, and Rena Rogue and Carapace had just appeared.

"Tikki, spots-"

"No, Marinette, you can't. You just got back as Marinette. Ladybug can't appear for at least two weeks; otherwise, it would look suspicious, and Hawkmoth might be watching."

Marinette groaned, knowing she was right. But she could still help. Off in the distance, she spotted a lot of people hiding. They were in a terrible spot.

"Stay hidden, Tikki."

She ran out and carefully made her way to the pedestrians while Levatia was distracted and helped lead them out one at a time. All sorts of things were flying through the air as Levatia tried to hit the heroes, each time failing, until one caught Rena Rogue mid jump. She fell hard onto the concrete and didn't get back up.


Carapace yelled. He was at her side in an instant, not even noticing the large cement truck coming their way until it was right on top of them.


He yelled, causing the turtle's green shelter to form just before the cement poured over them and trapped them inside, leaving Chat alone to fight Levatia. Marinette had just finished evacuating the rest of the civilians when she realized what had happened.

"Lucky Charm!!"

Chat Noir called. A Ladybug spotted softball fell from the sky and landed in his hand.

"What am I supposed to do with this?"

Marinette heard him say before putting them both away so he could combat Levatia. The battle continued fiercely, Chat dodging flying objects left and right and getting a few, but not many, of his own hits in, till the akuma grew wise and caught him off guard just enough to send him flying. He crashed down not far from where Marinette was hiding, and the softball fell out and rolled away, tapping against her foot. Marinette picked up the charm, but before she got a chance to give it back, Chat Noir was up and gone again.

"What am I gonna do, Tikki? Chat needs this, but if I try to get it to him, I'll draw attention to myself."

Marinette pondered, watching the fight intently from her hiding spot. Suddenly, the akuma lit up in a faded ladybug pattern as well as Chat Noir's hand. She knew what the lucky charm was for. It was a sign that he needed her. He needed Ladybug. That was when she noticed the small circlet around the akuma's forehead. It was the only small detail on her entire costume. It had to be where the akuma was.

"Chat Noir, the circlet!"

Marinette yelled as loud as she could, throwing the softball at full speed toward the akuma. It made contact, distracting the villain long enough for Chat to grab the akumatized object and shout,


And just like that, it was over. Marinette was beaming, happy that everyone was safe, when she suddenly noticed her hands were shaking.

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