Chapter XXIII

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3rd Person POV:

The (h/c) haired woman could feel her cheek getting poked. The sleepiness leaving her system, she opens her lids slowly, bright artificial light burning her eyes.

"So bright…" The woman immediately closed her eyes shut, shielding it from the light.

Once the burning sensation subsided, she could now clearly see her surroundings, and the man who's already conscious and now sitting straight in his hospital bed. The man was staring straight at her with a tilt to his head.

"Madam, not to be rude, but what are you doing here?" He questions. His head is still bandaged even though his wounds are already healed.

"Oh, ah… sorry I fell asleep." The woman apologised, bowing her head slightly. What am I going to say now?! She thought.

"I came here to check up on you." The human in disguise wore a nervous smile, hoping he'll buy her excuse.

"Why would a noble lady come to check up on me? Do I know you?" He blurted. That was when it all made sense to the woman. He no longer recognized her. Well, it's only logical since it has been hundreds of years since they've last seen each other.

"Oh, um… I was amazed by your fight with Heracles earlier! How could you pull out tons of tricks just like that?" The woman went along with whatever her mind could make up, as long as she wouldn't embarrass herself.

"It's about timing, Madam. Though, would a magician ever reveal his secrets?" The silver haired man smiles. It took him a few moments of silence before he felt his arms, legs, and torso. He pats every part of his limbs before he speaks.

"What— what happened to me?" He questions, feeling a sense of nostalgia hit him. The man stood up from his bed and scanned the floor, looking for any signs of blood and weirdly drawn symbols.

"Have… have you seen a demon here? The one with four horns and a sharp tail?" The man asked a nurse breathlessly, searching the whole room for any signs of the said demon.

"Um, s-sir… Maybe you'd like to check the guest book outside? Since we're not familiar with everyone's faces…" The nurse nervously spoke. Pointing the firm yet trembling man towards the door. He hastily made his way out of the room and  into the front desk, asking the personnel if he could borrow the guest book, which the nurse quickly handed out of fear.

"What was her name again?" He murmurs, but the demon had heard this even from metres away. 'I knew it.' she thought, looking down onto her lap, fiddling with her fingers.

He shakes his head as he reads through the names. There were tons of visitors' names written in the book, most of them came here for the gods who won or that old man, he guessed. The man flipped from pages to pages, until finally reaching the final names written on the record.

"Dimitri, Jabari, Chang, Belial... (Y/n)…" He reads through the final names. (Y/n). A pounding headache flooded his entirety as he gripped the counter, holding onto it for balance. A few nurses quickly went to his aid and helped him return to his room.

"Please rest sir, your wounds are still fresh from the fight…" A nurse trails off as they check the man's now properly bandaged head. Instead of seeing a laceration, they were greeted by a healed scar.

"What sorcery is this?" One nurse says and another then checks on what left their colleague baffled. They all gasped seeing healed wounds with a scar mark only left. Overall, the man was able to move and function again, as if he never went through a gruesome battle.

"Do you know who did this to me?" The silver haired man questions the nurses, to which they all looked at each other before glancing at the sitting (h/c) haired woman beside the bed. The woman noticed their eyes and gestured for them to keep quiet about it, in which they reluctantly followed.

"Um… w-we don't know sir…" they lied.

Jack wasn't dumb. He would've lost in that battle if he were one.

"Who was that (Y/n) in the guest book?" He interrogates.

"Again sir, we don't recognize everyone's face who comes to visit the patients here." The nurses state the half truth. There were indeed a dozen people coming to the clinic to visit the winner of round three; Sasaki Kojiro. Though, he already left the sickbay awhile ago, which disappointed a lot of his fans.

"Alright, thank you." The man finally lets the nurses off the hook, even when he spotted uncertainty, nervousness, deception, and falsehood in the colour of grey mixed with green.

"Um, who are you looking for?" The (h/c) haired woman chimes in. The man didn't notice that she's still there until the moment she spoke. That is when he sees it.

"Madam…" The man unceremoniously flicks the woman's forehead. All of the nurses and other staff looked in their direction with wide eyes.

"There was a fly on your forehead." He points to the small insect flying in front of them. The woman was too stunned to speak, she only caressed the area where the man flicked.


"My apologies, it seems that I have offended you, Madam." The man showed sincerity in his words. "Would you like me to buy you something in return for upsetting you? There's this machine with food just outside." The man offers.

"I'm not offended—"

"But I've hurt a lady, that is something that shouldn't be taken lightly."

"It's alright, really. In fact I should head back now—"

"But I insist, my conscience wouldn't be at peace knowing that I didn't give compensation to someone I mistreated." The man pleads, his shoulders sagging from worry.

"No it's fine, really…" The woman glanced back to the man, seeing his eyes swirl with contrite. The woman doesn't want her cover to be blown, since he can literally see colours of emotions. It won't take him long to figure out who she is.

But seeing his heterochromia eyes sparkle with remorse and guilt, begging to repay her was…


So stupid.

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