Chapter XVII

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3rd Person POV:

The demon was silenced by this.

She was surprised that the boy was able to find out about her sneaky scheme, even though she did her best to be stealthy with it.

Remember how demons live by eating soul shards, or a small fracture of the souls? Well, they won't last long if they don't consume any of those. And since the demon has to stay for a whole month on earth, she has to eat a soul one way or another. Even if it's just a morsel, the demon can live and function as long as she eats one soul shard a day.

The demon indeed took some soul shards away from the silver haired boy. Though she felt guilty for tricking him into thinking she was a friend, she did it nonetheless to survive in the human world. Why not just take a soul from another person? Simple, it's because the boy's soul was far more fresh and pure than the previous person's soul she had tried eating. Other people's souls were too malicious and atrocious, but the boy's soul… is perfect for her taste buds.

The first few days of her stay on earth, the demon took a bite of the boy's soul secretly. She would visit the boy's room at night and take a morsel of his soul. This continued for at least a week, before her conscience finally ordered her to stop. She could no longer swallow the soul she took from the boy's body; the demon gave up on his soul, instead she ate whoever's soul she found appetizing. How could she ever eat the soul of a kid who considers her a friend? That would be a painful betrayal.

But it was too late for her now. He already knew.

"What are you talking about, boy?" The demon tried to play innocent but it only annoyed him.

"Don't play dumb with me, demon. The first time we met, I already sensed the hunger within you. I only thought that you were craving food, but I was wrong; you wanted to eat my soul!" The boy rages, pointing a finger at her.

"I sense your aura whenever you would enter through the window, I could literally feel a part of my soul getting torn off!" The boy trembled as he went through the memory again.

"I just went through with it, hoping it would be over soon. And since you gave us food, I thought of letting you have my soul as an exchange." He sobs.

The demon just lets him release his anger and frustrations, regret flooding her system; if only I had the power to reverse time, I would've done things differently.

A bitter laugh left her.

"I must admit, I shouldn't have underestimated you, boy. You already knew what I was before I got to tell you. And now, you even knew of my plans?" She laughed at her stupid, stupid decisions in life.

"You are right, I made you my friend so that I could eat your soul." She admits. "But those foods I gave you and your mother, It wasn't for that reason. The reason why I let you tag along with me in my daily life, wasn't so I could deceive you." The demon sighs.

"Some of the things I did, our silly adventures, shopping and eating in restaurants, the words I said to you; most of it are genuine, believe it or not." The demon gave him a bitter smile, knowing well that he doesn't see her as a friend anymore.

Hell, she doesn't even know if he even considered her as a friend. Maybe he was just using her to feed both him and his mother, or maybe so he just went along with her for convenience.

The boy, on the other hand, was left in despair. He's unsure if what the demon said is true. She's a demon, everything she does or says is only for her sake. Demons are selfish and cruel. He thought that she would be different from the ones he read in the books, but it was just wishful thinking.

Either way, both of them felt used and discarded.

"Go away, I don't need you anymore." He declares, his voice firm and steady.

The boy glanced over to the demon; her usual warm and fiery colour was gone, in its place a muddy grey colour, shifting to dark hues from time to time.

He changed, she thought. She doesn't know what to do anymore. Guilt has long plagued her body to the point that it's blinding the demon; she too, doesn't want to see him anymore. Because it pains her to look at his unrecognisable eyes, the spark of seeing her is no longer there.

Was it the spark of joy, or was it anger? She doesn't really know.

The boy looks at her as if she's a stranger. Does he always see her as that? Since from the very beginning, he already knew what she wanted— to consume his soul. But she did stop, right? She doesn't find his soul appealing anymore. The demon changed and directed her attention to other humans' souls. Did he know that? Did he know she did her best to change for her friend?

The demon felt like throwing up. She can't stand the sight of her friend looking at her as if she's the most horrendous creature he's laid eyes on.

"I'm sorry, I won't bother you again." She apologised before turning towards the path that leads to the exit of the lake. The demon left the boy there, stunned yet relieved.

'No more demon to bother me, huh?' he thought to himself.

Various sounds of birds rang through the whole forest. The boy was confused as to what caused the birds to panic when all of a sudden, the rumbling of earth shook his entire body and surroundings. A huge crack in the ground appeared, getting larger and larger as seconds passed.

Dust and debris covered the boy's view as a four horned beast broke free from the ground and made its rampage through the forest. It weaved its way through the trees and forest animals until it finally stopped where the awestruck demon stood. And just like in his previous dream, it happened.

The enormous dark furred beast opened its mouth and chomped onto the demon's upper half, holding her in place before retracting its step back into the huge hole in the earth. It crawled its way back, and moments later, the earth rumbled again, miraculously closing itself. The crack on the ground was no longer there. And so was the demon.

The boy fell on his knees and gripped the ground beneath him.

Everyone he cared for had left him.

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