Chapter III

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3rd Person POV:

[ 27 DAYS LEFT ]

It's been three days since she arrived in London. The demon who wore her human disguise had her time going through restaurants and trying foods she hadn't tried before. She found out that she likes food that are (flavour). Just the right flavour that tickle her taste buds and send shock waves to her brain like fireworks. 

It's not just about food but also the pleasure in living. Yesterday night was the most fun she had in her life. The woman attended a private gathering of elite bachelorette in the city. They had gentlemen of different colour, beauty, and body type come over to their venue to showcase their talents. A very sensual show that she cannot help but get one home to the hotel she stays at. 

Now that the high from last night had dissipated, she's found herself sitting at the grassy park under a big old tree, wondering what she'll do next. 

"Madam." She jumped at the sudden person sitting beside her on the grass. It's the silver haired boy from before! She's surprised to see him bring out a book from his messenger bag and place it on his lap. It's Shakespeare's.

"Why did you help me last time?" he asked timidly as he carefully opened the book and flipped the pages to where he last read. 

She observed as his heterochromia eyes scan the words on the pages. How lovely his eyes are. "I helped because I don't want a kid to get hurt."

He looked up to her and slowly nodded his head.

"My name's Jack..." He whispers.

The demon glanced at the mortal boy before replying "(Y/n), but that's (N/n) for you." Then they both shook each other's hands with a smile. They're both glad to meet someone genuine for the first time. For the demon, he's the first human to befriend her. And as for Jack, she's giving off the colour of warmth, the warmth he sees and feels in the candle during a cold and dark night. 

'You're a peculiar human.' she thought.

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