The New Year

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"What's taking them so long

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"What's taking them so long." I sighed, throwing grass a little ways away.

"Well, you're forgetting they've got seven children to get ready." Cedric chuckled as he stood beside me.

"That's right, not everyone can be on time like us, Marley!" Amos said brightly. Cedric and I shared a look before laughing.

During the summer, I spent bits of it with everyone. I stayed with The Rowens for a few weeks, Remus for a few, and the Diggory's are who I've stayed with until now.

After the game and my final lesson of the summer with Remus, I'll be staying at the Weasley's until school will start, much to Cedric's dismay.

"Oh, Arthur, over here, son. We've got it!" Amos says loudly, waving his hands to us.

"Amos!" Mr. Weasley smiled, shaking the man's hand happily. I beamed brightly as I saw all of the Weasley's behind them.

"This is Amos Diggory everyone. And I think you know his son Cedric, and of course Marley dear." Arthur said. I saw Hermione and instantly collided with her in a hug.

"It's so good to see you." She gasped. We pulled away and I hugged Ron and Harry as well.

"What? None for us?" I heard a voice say. Before I could turn to see who was speaking, I was picked up and thrown over someone's shoulder.

"Hello, darling." I saw George standing behind the person to make eye contact with me.

"Hello, Georgie. Hello, Freddie." I greeted with a laugh. Fred finally put me down and I pulled George in for a hug.

"I'm so glad you two chose to write to me this summer." I said sarcastically. George pulled away and sent me a sheepish smile.

"We were busy.."

"Yeah, really busy." Fred said. My head jerked in his direction to see him with his arms crossed, looking at me.

"You didn't get a hug, Fred." I pointed out.

"And I'd like to keep-oof." I squeezed Fred as tight as I could while looking up at him with a bright smile on my face.

"You're so annoying." He said, playfully pushing me away.

"Harry Potter?!" I heard loudly. I turned and saw Amos staring at Harry in shock.

"Oh, come on, Amos. We best hurry before we're late." I said quickly. Amos's thoughts of Harry instantly slipped his mind as he checked his watch.

"Blimey, you're right." Amos began to walk up the hill as I turned to Harry who brought me into a tight hug.

"Thank you." He sighed, referring to Amos. I chuckled and wrapped an arm around him as we walked.

"You can't always be the center of attention, Potter." He snickered as we quickly made our way towards the port key.

"Why's everyone standing around that manky old boot?" Harry asked, turning to me. Before I could speak, the twins came up and interrupted.

"It's not just some manky old boot, Harry.."

"'s a Portkey." I chuckled at Harry's confusion and shook my head.

"Marley." I heard Cedric call. As I looked up at him, I saw him holding out his hand for me to take in order to gain a spot before it was completely crowded by children.

We laid down on the ground and waited for the countdown.

"Alright everyone. Off on" I looked up just to see Harry staring blankly at the boot.

"Harry!" I spit. Just as Arthur hit three, we shot up into the sky and screamed were instantly heard around me. All the while I kept giggling.

"Let go, kids!" Arthur yelled over the wind.

"What?!" Hermione squealed.

"Let. Go!" I laughed, instantly, Cedric and I let go. Thankfully, we were old enough now to be able to use magic outside of Hogwarts.

Well, Cedric could, but they can't trace wandless magic.

We glided along slowly to the ground with Amos and Arthur as the rest of the kids laid on the ground.

"Bet that cleared your sinus', eh?" Arthur joked. I giggled and went over to the twins as they groaned on the ground.

"How does it feel being babies?" I teased. They both sent me glares.

"You're only 7 months older..."

"And you're not even 17 yet.." They replied. I placed my hands on my hips confidently and pulled them up so we could move along to our tents.

Just as we reached the top of the hill we saw the amazing view from below. The music, dancing and games going on around us made my heart swell.

"Well, come on, then." We all rushed down the hill giggling as we did and watched the celebration from all around us.

"Be prepared for tonight.." I heard George say beside me. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion but before I could respond Fred came to my other side.

"George likes to steal the covers." He chuckled.

"I'm not-"

"Marley is staying with us tonight. Didn't you two hear?" Cedric said, turning around after hearing our conversation.

"What?" George asked, looking slightly hurt. I frowned, realizing how much the boys probably missed me.

"Well, if you responded to my letters you'd probably know that." I teased.

"Forget it, George. Let her spend one last night with her boyfriend." Fred huffed, pulling his twin away to their tent harshly.

A frown formed on my face as I watched the twins depart from my sight. Cedric sent me a sympathetic smile and grabbed me before pulling me towards him and his dads tent.

I hadn't really cared who I spent the night in the tent with, so I didn't know why the boys cared either.


Slowly, I entered the tent with my bag of paint and looked around. Ginny and Hermione were doing Ron and Harry's makeup, while Fred and George sat by the fire place in silence as they watched the flames.

I debated walking out because I wasn't sure if I would be entirely welcome into the Weasley abode right now.

"Marley! Great timing. Fred and George are waiting." Hermione said. I stopped my retracting motion as she spoke and internally glared her way.

The twins turned to me and huffed in annoyance.

"Hello, Marilyn." Fred greeted.

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