chapter 5

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"well, um hey?" He looked at the allium fairy, "nice to finally meet face to face"

"yeah, nice to finally meet you Tom"

"so, this is your side huh?" Tom stood up and walked into the field of alliums,

"Yup! I love to walk in the alliums when I am not working in the fields! What does your side look like?"

"eh it's nothing special" Tommy looked around, "So, I've actually never seen alliums" Ranboo grabbed Tommy's hand and started hovering,

"Oh my XD! You haven't?! Come on!" Tom and Ran flew up to the nearest allium,

"These are really pretty"

"I love them! Flying above the field is beautiful" they both just flew over the field of alliums. Both enjoying the flowers just flying around. Tommy tends to not just fly around, he is either in his room or in the fields, if it wasn't for Tubbo he probably would've never met Ran. They landed back at the river to see Tubbo across the water,

"Oh, that's Tubbo my best friend!" Tubbo flew over the water landing in front of the duo.

"Tommy! There you are! Techno was looking for you! The carrots aren't going to pick themselves! I have to get back to the honey come on!" Tubbo turned to the allium fairy, "oh I am so sorry I didn't see you there!" he stretched out his hand, "I'm Toby but you can call me Tubbo, I am Toms best friend!" Ran shook his hand,

"lovely to meet you, I am Ranboo, but you can call me Ran"

"Nice to meet you too Ran but we have to go now" with that Tommy and Tubbo both flew away back to their homes.

"Tommy! Where were you?! We were worried sick!" Techno ran up to them,

"I was just hanging out with a new friend across the river calm down fuckin hell" Tom walked over to the carrot field.

"Ooohhhh new friend?" Wil teased

"Dude! I met them yesterday!" Tommy threw a carrot at the taller's head.


(338 words)Sorry for the short chapter ;-; I didn't really know what to do for this chapter 

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