Chapter 1

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"Tom!" He opened his eyes to see his bestfriend right in front of him, "Tom get up! come on!"

"what's going on Tubs?"

"It's the beginning of summer! come on!" Summer! the best time of year in Tubbo's opinion, personally Tommy liked autumn more.

"go bother your brother" Tommy turned over and tried to get more sleep.

"you know as well as I do that Dream doesn't like going outside!"

"I don't either, your point?" Tubbo pulled the blanket off him, "hey!"

"Come on dude!" with that he flew out of the rose with Tommy's blanket. 

"You get back here!" Tommy flew after him. Tubbo zipped around threw the forest of flowers with Tommy close behind. After around thirty minutes of Tommy chasing him Tubbo ran into someone,

"Oh there you two are" Phil looked down at the two boys,

"Hey Phil! sorry for running into you!"

"Your fine Tubbo"

"Hey dad" Tommy snatched the blanket back from Tubs, 


"yes dad?"

"Wil needs help with some things over in the field"

"Oh my prime! can't he do anything by himself?"

"Just help him Thomas, also Tubbo your dad is looking for you"

"Okay! good luck Thomas"

"you aren't aloud to call me that Toby" he flew away, 

"Sometimes that boy I swear"

"yea, anyway I'll go see my father, bye Phil!"

"Bye Tubbo!" Tommy landed in front of the taller fairy, 

"Hey Will"

"Hey Tom" he sat next to Will, 

"what do you need help with?" the older was harvesting wheat,

"can you get the carrots?" Tommy got up heading to the carrot patch, Techno was in the potato patch next to him. They worked in the fields getting food at noon than headed home at dark. "That was a good days harvest huh?"

"I guess" they all sat at the dinner table, "so mom what's for dinner?" Kristen set a big pot of soup down,

"my famous soup!" everyone was super happy, her soup was really good. They all got their food and Tommy said a quick pray to Prime, he was the only religious one in his family but he didn't mind. They sat and ate and talked, most nights were like this, it was nice. No matter how much Tommy jokes he really does love his family, he loves his friends, though he would never admit it to their faces, never.

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