Chapter 2

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Ranboo woke up heading to the kitchen to see his mom Athena, "good morning mom!"

"Good morning dear, did you sleep well?"

"Yes, is mother still asleep?"

"Yes, I am making breakfast right now, sit at the table please." They sat down,

"what's for breakfast?"


"YES!" Ranboo loved pancakes, it was their favorite food. Hera came into the room, 

"How is my little allium doing?" she fluffed their hair as she sat down,

"I am doing great mother! We are having pancakes!" despite being 18 he definitely acts a lot younger. They loved it home, the alliums and tulips grew wildly outside. They ate the pancakes and headed out. 

Ranboo flew threw the field, landing right beside the river. They sat in peace smiling to themself, they loved the river, it was a quiet place they could go to think. They pulled out their notebook to start drawing the river like they do every day but today when they looked up to reference the sinery they saw someone looking at them. A pink tulip fairy with short brown hair stared at them looking confused. 

The fairy was joined by a blond rose fairy, Ranboo stared at them, the blonds wings were beautiful. The red of the wings matched the red shirt and made their blue eyes pop. Ranboo realized that they were staring and quickly looked away. "Ranboo!" they heard their mom yell for them.

"Coming!" Ranboo looked back at where the two fairies where and they were gone. They flew back home. "hey mom?"


"Do other fairies live near us?"

"Yes, there are a few near us but far enough that you have probably never met them, why?"

"I saw a pink tulip and a rose fairy across the river."

"oh, you should go talk to them."

"They left when you called me over."

"Oh, well we do have to work today, please help Hera in the field."

"Okay." They headed out to the chorus fruit field to help their mother. "Mother?"

"Yes darling?"

"Do you believe in love at first sight?"

"Yes, that happened to me and your mom, why? Did you meet someone?"

"Well kinda?"

"What do you mean kinda?" She looked down at them from the top of the plant,

"I saw this rose fairy across the river, they had blond hair and blue eyes, with beautiful red rose wings" They went on talking about the fairy they saw that day while working. 

Alliums of HeartbreakHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin