Chapter 7

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“Tommy.” Techno was standing in front of their house with his arms crossed,

“I was just visiting my friend again, what’s the big deal?”

“You were out after dark”

“yeah, they don’t really live super close to us”

“what is their name?~” Wilbur asked in a teasing voice,

“Ranboo, I call them Ran, they are an allium fairy. And they have black and white skin! It’s super cool! They are an ender fairy who has one albino mom and one normal mom so that’s why their skin is that cool!” Tommy started hovering as he talked about Ran, “Their house is really nice, oh! Have you ever laid in an allium?! Most confutable flower I swear!”

“Woah there dude you were in their bed?!” Wilbur stood up from leaning on the door frame,

“Oh, not like that! I sat down!” Tommy threw a rock at Will’s head but missed as he tilted his head,

“But you said ‘have you ever laid on an allium’ suggesting that you have laid on an allium not sat”

“Shut your fucking mouth cunt” Tommy walked in as Will started following him, “what?” Wilbur wrapped his arm around the shorter man,

“with how you talked about this Ran person I would say you like them~” Tommy smacked his arm away,

“WE JUST MET! Also, what would you know about crushes?”

“Dude, love at first sight exists, take Sally and I for example! The first time I met her at the lake near us I instantly fell in love but like you I denied it a lot”

“Oh shut up, I think you are forgetting one little, tiny but crucial detail? I like woman.”

“Welp, don’t come to me for relationship advise when you finally realize that you like them” with that Will headed to his room leaving Tommy alone in the living room. Damit I missed dinner he grabbed a carrot and headed to his room for the night.

The next day he grabbed his bag and put some picnic fixings in it, “Hey I’ll be with Ran!” he yelled as he flew away from his home,

“Definitely has a crush”

“one-hundred present” Techno and Wilbur fist bumped before heading to the fields. Tommy quickly flew to the river, hoping to get there before Ran. He was relieved to see that Ran wasn’t there. Tom set down the quilt he stole from his parent’s room and set down all the food; bread, carrots, crisps made from Techno’s potatoes, honey for the bread, some huckleberries. Tommy looked down at the picnic and was proud of himself that’s when he heard someone walking through the alliums.

“Hey Ran!” Ran walked out of the alliums into the clearing of the river, “I didn’t have breakfast so I thought this would be nice!”

“Tom this looks amazing!” Ran sat down on the quilt, “I’ve never had some of these foods, what is this?” they picked up the honey,

“It’s called honey, it is a sweet syrup bees make”

“what about these?”

“those are crisps, they are made by frying potato slices in oil then seasoning them with salts and other spices”

“can you put the honey on crisps?”

“I mean yeah I guess; it isn’t normal because of the sweet and savory contrast but I won’t stop you from trying it”

“what about honey on the carrots?”

“I mean you can really put honey on everything I just tend to stick to bread though”

“so, you’ve never tried it on other things?”


“oh! We could try it together!”

“sure” Ran broke one of the carrots in half and put honey on both parts,

“Here” they handed one to Tom,

“be careful honey is extremely sticky”

“okay!” they both took bites of their carrots. “wow…this is good! How-“ Ranboo looked at Tommy, who was spiting his carrot into the river, “I’m guessing you don’t like it?”

“Here” Tom gave the rest of his carrot to Ran, “you can have it”

“thanks!” Ran quickly ate the carrots as Tommy opened the case of huckleberries, “what are those?”



“yup, sweet, no teleportation shit”

“Wait! Sweet? Can I have some?”

“Of course, here” Tom handed Ran a few huckleberries, they took them and put them in the honey starring the concoction with a carrot. The honey started turning slightly purple, “oh my Prime! Wait! You are a fucking genius!” Tom scooted closer to Ran putting a few more berries into the honey,

“I am?”

“YES! Huckleberry honey! That sounds amazing!”  Tom grabbed a slice of bread and spread the huckleberry honey on it and took a bite, “This is amazing! You are a genius!”


“You should try it!” Tom handed Ran his piece of bread, Ran bit out of the side Tom didn’t.

“that is amazing!”

“I can’t wait to show this to Tubs!”

“I need to head to the farm soon, so can I have some of this stuff to show my moms?”

“Of course, here!” Tommy gave Ran the honey and half of everything else, “I’ll just make more honey when I get home”

“are you sure?”

“Of course!” Tom started cleaning up,

“thanks” Ran looked at the food in their hands then back up at the rose fairy in front of them. They put the food in their satchel and hugged Tom, “see ya tomorrow!” with that they flew away. Tom sat there for a second processing what just happened as a small smile appeared on his face,

“see you tomorrow” he quietly whispered to himself. Tom flew back home.

“you’re back early” He landed in front of Techno and Wilbur who were playing rock paper scissors,

“what are you two doing?”

“deciding who has to pick the carrots since you’re never here” Techno fluffed Tom’s hair, “but now that you are here we don’t have to”

“fuck off!” Tom pushed Techno’s hand away,

“why was this visit cut short?” Wilbur handed Tom the carrot basket,

“because they had to work”

“Welp you also have to work” Techno started hovering, “Dream wants me to hang out with him, see ya” with that he flew away.

“I want to meet this Ranboo”

“Well, you can come with me tomorrow” Tommy started picking carrots,

“I wouldn’t want to interrupt your alone time~”

“Shut it” Tom threw a carrot at him, “do you want to meet them or not?”

“I guess, I’ll go with you tomorrow then” Wil started hovering, “I need to go see Sally though, she has a surprise for me!” Wil flew away as Tom continued picking carrots.


(1092 words) this was quite the long one :D(what do you think Sally’s surprise is?)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2023 ⏰

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