32. Two Weeks to Take the Initiative

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That was a lot of sorries in one exchange. A frown creased my forehead. I'd seen him just yesterday, and everything had been fine. More than fine, we had a great night, or at least that's what I thought. What could have changed in between then and now? I was about to send another message but stopped myself before I could.

I'd been down that road with him before. If he said he couldn't talk, he wouldn't reply. And then I would just stress myself out checking my messages and growing more resentful. No. I wouldn't do that to myself again. He was clearly not as reliable as he made himself out to be. I snorted, rolled my eyes and called up Melissa.

"Wow, my bestie remembered I existed before seeing me in school," Melissa picked up on the second ring, humor in her voice.

"Noah bailed on me. Can I bum a ride to school?"

"Oh. Trouble in paradise?" There was shuffling on the other side of the line, and her voice was muffled.

"We were never in paradise," I sighed, jumping out of bed and rummaging through my closet.

"Sure could have fooled me," Melissa hummed, overly amused by the situation when I was anything but.

"So can you pick me up?" I asked, slightly impatiently.

"Girl, don't ask dumb questions. See ya soon," she said and hung up.

That was as much of a yes as I would get from her. I rushed around my room getting ready, all the while trying to ignore the uncomfortable feeling in my stomach.

School was weird without Noah there. Melissa on the other hand was enjoying a day where she could constantly casually mention Tara and what they'd been texting about. I didn't mind. It kept my mind off thing where Noah was, and why he wasn't in school.

What had changed in one night?

His friends, with the exception of yelling an extremely loud hello at lunch and trying to get me to sit with them, seemed like their normal selves.

Whatever had happened with Noah, wasn't something he had shared with them. Or if he had shared it with them, they were good at acting like nothing was wrong. The day passed painfully slow, and the more I tried to keep my mind off him, the more he became the only thing I could think about.

Tomorrow. I would talk to him tomorrow and ask him about this. I wouldn't pry, but I would tell him I was concerned and maybe... maybe he would open up to me. Not that I really deserved that, if I actually thought about it.

What a mess.

When nighttime came and there was still no word from Noah, I decided it was time for a follow up.


You coming to school tomorrow? 👀

It took him a while to get back to me and when he did my stomach dropped further.


no, not yet


I'm really sorry Sky


You don't have to keep apologizing... are you okay?

The little bubbles that signified he was replying popped up, and then disappeared. This repeated a few times, as if he didn't know what to say – or maybe he didn't have an answer to my question at all. I didn't know which option was worse.

All the negative thoughts kept coming into my head, each worst than the last.

Was he sick? Was he dying? Was that why he was in a hurry to find someone?

Two Weeks to Fall in LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang