-°~Chapter 19~°-

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Word Count: 1,151

I just realized I have only just now put a pic of Shoto..👨‍🦯
No One's POV:

"Why are you here?" Izuku asked with complete disbelief and confusion written all over his face.

"Uh- because you told us to? Well I mean you told us to come over after classes which is like at the end of the day and all but as I said Shoto was worried and I couldn't stop him from coming so you know, can't beat em join em am I right?" Sero finished with a nervous smile, before Izuku could respond however Shoto was already speaking.

"Are you dying?" Shoto asked as he inspected Izuku's face and body (respectfully).

"Wha- no of course not?" Izuku stated confused, why did he think he was dying?

"Oh, because you used punctuation" Shoto answered as if that wasn't the most absurd thing he could ever say.

"Excuse me-" Izuku questioned everything once again, but was, once again, interrupted.

"Who's- Oh, you guys are here already?" Mina asked as she entered the room.

"Mhm, Shoto was worried and I couldn't let him come here alone, I don't really feel like bailing Sho out of jail" Sero said with a shrug.

"Ah makes sense" Mina stated with a nod of approval.

Meanwhile Shoto was still checking over Izuku, it wasn't his fault he was worried about his soon to be lover! He scared him!

"Shoto really- I'm fine" Izuku stated, though he didn't stop Shoto from checking him over.

"Then why did you use punctuation?" Shoto questioned with a pout.

"Wha- Why is my punctuation important? What are you even talking about?" Izuku asked completely lost as to what that meant.

"When you texted us you used punctuation..."

"I never texted you-"

"Yes you did"


"Yes, I remember very clearly"


Izuku stood there confused for a moment before realization body slammed his brain, yesterday he allowed Mina to use his phone because she forgot Denki's number and she left her phone in her room, so that was obviously a lie, she probably texted them to come over and as suggested, she does indeed use proper punctuation when she's talking to people she's not totally familiar with.

You wouldn't think it, but she does.

It seems Mina has realized that Izuku caught onto what was happening (if not by his face then by the dirty look she could just feel him giving her) so instead of staying and waiting for chaos she decided to announce her get away, seeing as her whole plan was to get them to fucking talk.

"Welp, I'm gonna go out for a coffee date!" Mina announced happily.

"Oh you have a lover?" Shoto asked intrigued.

"No I'm Ace, it's a date to me from me" Mina stated matter of factly.

"Damn, you go queen" Sero stated in approval, not that she needed it.

"Mhm! Anyways, gotta bounce, bye bitchs!" Mina stated quickly as she grabbed her wallet before walking out of the door.

Officially leaving them alone, to talk about their feelings.

How inconvenient.

They stood in silence for a bit, nobody really knew what to say, Izuku was silently panicking, Shoto was ever so slightly wondering if he was being to touchy, to clingy to be blunt, and Sero was simply looking at his lover and lover to be, he couldn't help but think about how absolutely gorgeous they were, he couldn't help it okay? They were pretty boys, how could he not be whipped?

Though, he knew he needed to stop simping to see if Izuku was okay, because he knew Shoto would try to hug away the feelings, trust him on that one.

"So.. Is there a reason you've been ignoring us the last two days?" Sero asked gently yet firmly.

"Nope, bye" Izuku stated as he quickly tried to make a run for it.

"Nooo, nope, nah come back here" Sero was quick to stop him from going by getting close enough to snap him by the waist rather gently for trying to keep a person from running.

"Do you need a hug darling?" Shoto offered as he walked over to them.

Though Izuku didn't respond, he didn't know what to say! I mean what do you say after you try to run? Probably pluck a pun but he's not witty like that.

"Darling..?" Shoto repeated worriedly.

"Izuku is- is everything okay?" Sero asked just as worried as his bi lover.

"I-I really... I don't-" Izuku started but simply couldn't finish as he felt his emotions start to gang up on him, he felt his throat starting to close up, as if he's own body was trying to keep him quiet.

Sero was quick to realize Izuku was disrstressed, and quick to act on it.

"Hey hey it's okay, what's wrong? Your not hurt are you?" Sero quickly soothed.

"He couldn't be hurt, I checked him very thoroughly, maybe it's internal?" Shoto questioned as he poked at Izuku's sides, which earned an unwilling giggle from Izuku.

"I think this might be an emotion type hurt" Sero chimed in as he observed Izuku's state.

"Are you sure? He could've been beat up" Shoto voiced his worry with a frown.

"Mmm but wouldn't we see a bruise? Like a cut lip or something? He isn't supposed to go to class til like 9 so he wouldn't have time to hide it, especially sense we came so early" Sero pointed out as he brought Izuku into his chest.

Shoto huffed as he got behind Izuku and held him just as protectively as Sero was, they started to pamper Izuku in small kisses all around his head and neck, simply trying to comfort him without any words, and it worked like a charm.

He could feel his throat starting to allow him to speak again, he couldn't deny that they both really had a calming effect on him, and he also couldn't deny it anymore once he was snuggled between the two men, they really were his ideal boyfriend when it came down to it, they were caring, they refused to give up, they were definitely loyal, and.. neither left, they've never left him even when they were pushed away again and again they stayed by his side.

Even though Izuku didn't realize he was starting to cry they did, and instead of pointing it out, they simply held him closer and whispered sweet nothings into his ears.

"Shhh~ It's okay Izu, we're here" Sero quietly whispered into his ear as they began to ever so slightly sway in a soothing manner.

After that the flood gate broke and he began to sob into Sero's chest while Shoto whispered sweet nothings into his ear with Sero rubbing circles onto Izuku's sides, all while they comfortably swayed.

They'd talk about it later, for now they would simply provide comfort with their presence.

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