-°~Chapter 15~°-

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Word Count: 1,205

Hhhhh I put Izuku threw so much✍⠀⠀‎‎‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎‎ ‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎‎‎‎ ‎‎‎‎‎
No One's POV:

Izuku couldn't help but groan when he started to wake up, he did not want to wake up.

So, instead of confronting reality he simply snuggled into he's living, breathing, large body pillow, because that was their only use.

"Aww~ Is our baby darling awake~?" Sero questioned in a teasing tone as he sat down one the other side of Izuku, he couldn't help but rub Izuku's hips as he looked down at the sleepy man.

"No, shut up" Izuku grumbled as he snuggled into Shoto's side.

"Awe but baby~" Sero whined dramatically.

"Shhhh, Hanta if you take my cuddle time away I will throw out all of your special spices" Shoto threatened as he hugged Izuku close.

"You did not just threaten my heritage-" Sero offendedly gasped.

"It's spices."

"It's not JUST spices, they are flavors, and just because you like boring ass food like cold soba doesn't mean I can't have spices"

"You did not-"

"Oh I so did"

They continued to quietly argue with each other as Izuku enjoyed the warmth of Shoto, the arguing was almost like background noise to him honestly, it didn't bother him seeing as it wasn't serious like at all and they also tried to do it quietly so he could sleep, Izuku found it endearing weirdly enough...

Suddenly he felt a warmth grow in he's stomach, he started to think about waking up like this every morning, with Shoto and Sero by he's side, being cuddled, taken care of, cared for, it all felt so perfect to him, not only were 2 tall himbos always by he's side but they were working tooth and nail for Izuku to finally go on a date, they were trying even harder to get him to be their lover, it was something Izuku knew he was missing sense day one and he finally had it.

...But he really didn't.

He had to remind himself that this wouldn't work, it never did.

Every time he opened up to a relationship he was left more broken then he previously was, he couldn't do that again, Shoto was a rich boy who got anything and everything he wanted, the only reason he liked him so much was because he was a challenge, something he couldn't just have with a snap of he's finger, so he was chasing someone he knew he didn't love.

Sero was also a rich boy that liked a challenge, the only difference here was that Sero was playing the long game for more sex, I mean Sero used to be a fuck-boy and if they both have a thing for him then it only made sense that they'd both agree to share him until they both got what they wanted.

God, he can't believe he forgot for that long, he was to wrapped up in their seemingly innocent time together that he almost forgot that they didn't want him.

They didn't want him...

"Izuku, tell Shoto he's wrong!" Sero stated, affectively knocking Izuku from he's thoughts.

"Wha- I am not wrong, and don't bring Izuku into this!" Shoto defended as he hugged Izuku closer.

"Huh?" Izuku questioned confused, what the actual fuck did he miss?

"Tell Shoto that seasonal is NOT the only spice you need, because this is just depressing" Sero said as he crossed he's arms.

"It is though, it's literally every spice so you only need seasonal" Shoto defended himself with a huff.

"You don't put every spice in with eggs or Mac and cheese Sho!" Sero stated as he threw he's arms up in desperation.

"That was ONE TIME-"

"One time, TO MANY."

They continued to bicker while Izuku simply listened to it, he didn't mind it, I mean as he said it was pretty silly, but... God he was going to miss this once they gave up on him, it was inevitable really...

Before he could spiral again he felt Sero grab him and take him away from Shoto, who gave many complaints.

"No! Give me my Izuku back!" Shoto whined as he reached for Izuku again.

"Mmm no, he's mine now" Sero stated with a grin.

"No, he's his own person, but let's be honest I'm the favorite" Shoto stated as he grabbed a hold of Izuku's hips, trying to keep him in he's grasps.

"Excuse me- I am the favorite, he loves me like he loves energy drinks" Sero stated confidently.

"Woah now buster- turn it down a few, nothing levels my love for energy drinks" Izuku finally spoke up matter of factly.

"Okay.. Then garlic bre-" Sero tried to say but was interrupted by the green bean himself.

"No" Izuku stated simply.

And now it was Sero and Izuku's turn to start playfully arguing, as they argued Shoto simply watched with a fond smile as he traced random patterns with his thumbs on Izuku's hips, soon enough he decided to lay himself down on Izuku and hugged he's torso as he began to fall asleep, Izuku subconsciously wrapped his arms around Shoto as he continued to bicker with the lanky rich boy.

"Hhhhh Izukuuuu common, you know you love me" Sero stated with a playful wink.

"Maybe, but definitely not more then I love energy drinks" Izuku stated matter of factly.

"Nooo Izu" Sero whined dramatically.

Izuku couldn't help but snort at he's antics, as usual it was a cute kind of annoyance (that was the only way he knew how to describe it), though suddenly he found himself regretting engaging, he's earlier thoughts came back and hit him full force and it made him want to gag.

Just this once, he wanted to live in the moment without worry of when it'll all end.


The sudden yell made him snap back to present time, looking up with a hum he saw Sero and Shoto looking at him with worry.

"Huh?" Izuku questioned confused.

"Nothing love, you just kinda spaced out for a second there, something on your mind?" Sero asked with slight concern.

"Oh- uhm, yeah I'm fine.." Izuku responded with a nervous smile, obviously he was lying but both of the males knew not to push something that they weren't told or was none of their business.

"Alright, but you know you can tell us anything, what's said between us stays between us" Shoto stated innocently.

"Of course.. I just- Uh I just remembered I have classes today, and if I don't wanna be late I should leave soon" Izuku lied quickly, he didn't want to lie but honestly he did wanna leave, just to think.

"Oh alright, want us to come?" Sero questioned as he watched Izuku get up.

"No I'm good" Izuku stated with a small smile.

"Mm.. Bye darling"

"Bye amor"

"Cya guys"

And with that Izuku left their house, it was silent for a moment before both of them looked at each other with concern.

"He doesn't have classes today, does he?" Shoto questioned with a slight frown.

"Nope..." Sero confirmed.

Both of them gave a long sigh at that, what in the world is going on in that pretty head of Izuku's?

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