Quick Explanation

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This is a very self indulgent fic that I don't expect to get many reads. There is no beta read for this whatsoever and i will not be checking it  thoroughly for errors or typos.

Basically, I've just replayed Half Life for the thousandth time. So when i found out there's not a single crossover between the two, I decided to change that. So here it is, Half Life: Hetalia

What is Half Life?

In case you haven't heard of it, and don't feel like playing through all the games, a quick summary:

Half Life follows a man named Gordon Freeman, a theoretical physicist who works at a sience facility known as Black Mesa. An experiment goes wrong, causing somthing known as a Resonance Cascade to form, bringing forth an alien invasion. There's a bunch of lore and stuff and reasons behind it but the gist is that the energy from the Cascade causes another alien species, The Combine, to come and invade earth. They take down all of earth's remaining military in seven hours, leading to the surrender of the human species. Gordon, who was put into stasis by a strange man in a suit at the end of the first game, returns to help fight against the Combine two decades later.

What is Hetalia?

Hetalia is anime about anthropomorphic countries. It's basically humor that barely deals with angst, so you know the Fandom takes care of that problem. You don't gotta know alot about the show to get into the Fandom tbh. I was in the Fandom before I even watched it.

All you gotta know about Alfred is that he is a goofy, hero obsessed moron with a charming additude. I decided to make him more mature in this, along with any other country that might show up later. Since... yknow they're all kind of childish in the show and it doesn't really fit with the whole end of the world thing.

About this story.

This story will follow Alfred F. Jones, the America Personification. The other countries won't be around at all. It explains why in the story but if you really wanna stick around, they'll show up later down the line.

All the characters from the games will still exist and it will follow the basic storyline of the game but from Alfred's POV.

A few headcannons will be present but they will be introduced in the story instead of me listing them off here.

Gordon Freeman isn't canonically mute but for this story he will be, mostly because I wanted him and Alfred to be able to speak in sign language. I've also just always liked the mute Gordon headcannon.

That's probably all you'll need. Cheers if ya stayed to read this. Enjoy.

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