Some Place

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Are you in pain?
Are you turning insane?
Such a shame
You couldn't keep them tamed
Could you?
Now they're out of their lane
You lost your aim
You forgot your name
You don't want to be the same
Do you?
Just try to maintain
The blood in your veins
Mix your tears with the sky as it rains
What's going on in your brain?
It doesn't get any better
Does it?
Every day is the same

Each time you realize something new
But it only took a few
For you to reach your final realization
That life is just a train station
That helps you reach your destination
But sometimes it gets delayed
Other times it drops you off too early or late
Makes you feel like you don't belong
That life dropped you some place wrong
Some place you were trying to avoid
Some place that never made sense
Some place where you couldn't fit in

Where everything must be perfect
Where you can't be accepted
Where you only have what you get
Where you can't pay your debt
Where you need help but won't let
Where you're scared of what's in your own head
Where you have to change
Where you become someone else
Where you have to hide your true self
Where rock bottom you hit
Where you lose your health
everything is a myth

So tell me

When I reach that place
How could I possibly move on?
To what could I possibly hold on?
Others might handle but I'm not as strong

Tell me now
Why shouldn't I go?
What could possibly await me?
They've already killed what's inside of me
There's barely anything left of me
But nothing they'd keep
Nothing left for me to weep
Each time is different, it hurts more

I yell.. I scream.. I shout

For anyone to hear my throat that is sore
I've won many battles but I'm losing the war
My insides they tore
My blood they pour

While I wait for the light at the end of the broken door.

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