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You better turn around
You better walk away
I know you hear that sound 
Ignore it if you may 

Don't go after it
Don't try to know what it says
It's going to destroy you
Trust me on this 

It's going to strip you from your sight 
Your touch 
Sense of taste 
It's going to drive you mad 
Trying to figure out what it wants 
What it craves 
What it's thirsty for 

Don't give my love the satisfaction of destroying your heart

Lost and confused 
dried eyes
A heart that pours
Taking over me
Consuming me
It's inside of me
Will I feel whole again?
Will I ever feel complete?

Please, just turn around
Don't look at me
I know you feel that pound
Ignore it if you may
For it's inside of you
Not only have you felt it
For I did too

I am cursed but I manage
What comes from within is the damage
But I carry my own baggage and it's gigantic
Damn it

It's not about protecting myself
I literally can't do it again
I want to feel it
I want to live it

I can't
It's out of my reach
My hearts grasping for care and comfort
Knowing that it had been stripped away from me

I could give you my heart and everything I own
Though I urge you not to stick around for too long
Just take what you need and go

Maybe you can
Maybe it's what you want
To stay I mean
But I know I can't
Don't ask me why
I don't know why
Maybe it's because I can
Yet why should I?

I'm not ashamed
I'm not ashamed of my past
Of the words I have spoken
I am not ashamed of my sins
Nor am I ashamed of the soul beneath my skin
I refuse to make amends
By the way I was molded and shaped
And of that I am not ashamed

So don't tell me you want in
That you want to stay
You want to help
I can help my own self

Don't tell me that you can make me happy
For happiness comes from within
Don't tell me you want to erase the bad memories from my brain
For I never want to forget

You're welcome at anytime
You can stay
You can try
Don't expect much from me although I could give you my heart
But I will not provide

Don't expect me to let you in
My walls are high
Don't expect to call me yours

For I

I will never be anyone's

So please keep that in mind.

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