Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Andre paced back and forth in the room, he was a little uneasy.

The surname Caroling came to his mind. After he realized that he might have gotten into the wrong carriage, the surname of the former Carolingian dynasty.

There has been an accusation that the Duke of Normandy, who never committed loyalty to the king, is a descendant of the fallen Carolingian dynasty.

However, this claim has been denied by the Duke of Normandy.

That carriage belongs to the Duke of Normandy, so who else can ride the carriage of the Duke's Palace other than the Duke of Normandy himself?

Andre once criticized the Duke of Normandy in public.

He hated and despised this duke. But this did not mean that he was not afraid of this duke, who was always known for his coldness and iron blood.

"Is he teasing me?" Andre pondered, thinking that the Duke of Normandy was taking revenge and mocking him.

Andre doesn't think of the erotic aspect because he doesn't see a bit of emotion and desire in the eyes of the Duke of Normandy.

As a creator, it is necessary to have a sensitive heart and observant eyes.

Although the Duke of Normandy's posture is ambiguous, even the subtle changes in his expression are controlled just right - appropriate interest and arrogance in line with his status.

The Duke of Normandy became interested in him, probably because of his looks. But this interest is waning, like a wisp of smoke that has just risen, easily blown away.

Andre prepared himself mentally, and finally calmed down, "Don't worry, Andre. If he wants to take revenge, I will write his evil deeds in a book, so that future generations will spread his evil deeds. Don't be afraid, God will not allow the wicked to persecute the innocent. If-"

If the Duke of Normandy really wanted to take revenge on him, then Andre would have to flee back to Gerberoy, his birthplace.

Gerberoy, a poor but extremely beautiful place, is André's hometown.

To be honest, Andre is not a very brave person. He can boldly attack the most powerful Duke of Normandy in Paris, but he will definitely shrink his tail and flee back home with just a glance of the other party.

Nor was he a dogmatic to pedantic gentleman who followed the gentleman's code simply because most people liked it.

The advantage of being liked is that you can avoid a lot of unnecessary troubles.

Like Andrei, who is a smart man.


About a week has passed, the Duke of Normandy has not made any movement.

Andre, who only went back and forth between the room and the cafe, finally felt relieved and went out to a salon.

He bought a bunch of flowers in the flower shop and came to visit Mrs. Durand's house, he happened to meet Mrs. Durand's visitors - the Caroline couple.

As soon as the Carolines saw Andre, they welcomed him warmly, as if they were the masters.

Andre took off his hat and saluted, quite normal and not enthusiastic at all.

In fact, he did not like the Carolines. The couple had a rotten private life and often enjoyed the same lover.

Both men and women are available, and they are equally interested in Andre. Especially after learning that he is Agnes, they often ask Mrs. Durand to persuade Andre to become their mutual lover.

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