My heart caught her answer and I felt all the butterflies in my stomach go crazy. I let go of the hug and put a bit of space between us.

"Will you... keep me?" I asked as I looked up to her.

"In every universe, Yeji. As long as you want me to."

This sent shivers down my spine. The way she looks at me like I'm the most precious thing she has ever seen, the way her arms around me feel like blankets that protect me from all the insecurities of the world.

I leaned in and kissed her.

Throwing every fear, and doubts outside the window.

She deepened the kiss and pulled me closer - if that was even possible.

We kissed until we ran out of breath and then we pulled away, and leaned in again.

It was the most breathless I've ever been but I couldn't stop.

I wanted more of her. I want to embed her lips on mine. I want to keep hearing the small moan that she made when I captured her lower lip.

We stopped when we both couldn't breathe and put our forehead against each other.

"Was that okay?" she asked after she had regained her breath.

"Okay? It was amazing." I smiled and reassured her.

She let out a breath of relief.

"Was it okay for you?" I had to ask since I know that she has been with other people before me.

"This is the best night I've had for a long time, Yeji. Thank you for letting me in."

I squeezed back into her chest and hugged her, knowing that she doesn't only mean letting her in here, but in my life, too.

We fell asleep feeling content.

The next morning, I was woken up by a knock on my door. When I opened my eyes, I overheard someone knocking at Ryujin's, too.

I was startled when I saw Ryujin's arms around mine, her heavy breath on my neck indicating that she's still asleep.

"Yejiii. It's noon. Miss Momo is here looking for you guys", I heard Chaer outside the door.

I panicked and jumped quickly out of bed, making Ryujin stir.

"Ryuu", I came towards her and shook her awake.

She opened her eyes slightly and smiled when she saw me. "Morning, Yeddeong".

"You need to wake up. Miss Momo is outside waiting for us".

She quickly gained consciousness when she realized that we're kind of doomed.

"And Chaer's knocking on your door, too."

Her eyes grew wide as she stood up and tried to fix her hair.


We both ran out of ideas so we just decided to go out together and make up some lame excuse that everyone would obviously not believe.

When I opened my bedroom door, everyone noticed that I wasn't alone and it slowly registered among them who I was with.

"Well, what do we have here", Yuna teased. That earned an arm slap from Chaer because Miss Momo was watching us intently as we sat down on the sofa across from her.

"Yeji. Ryujin", she smiled as a greeting.

"Sorry to barge in here without notice. I happen to also have some errands near the dorms so I thought of coming straight here after an important meeting this morning."

Everyone else has gone back to their rooms, sending the importance of the conversation.

Miss Momo handed us envelopes with papers inside.

"Here are some agreed terms forwarded to me by JYP entertainment group. Some members of the board were present during the dance off and were interested in training both of you for a group set to debut a year and a half from now."

Our mouths were hanging open as Miss Momo continued to explain everything.

"I don't have other details with me except that the group isn't fully formed yet and they're still looking for more trainees. But you two have caught their attention. So read these and let me know your decision, yeah?"

We weren't able to say anything so Miss Momo left us be and gave us time to understand the offer she delivered.

The entertainment group expressed their interest towards both Ryujin and myself for the group they're forming.

And they put them on paper.

In the form of an official offer.

Delivered by our dancing professor.

To say we're overwhelmed would be an understatement. We held each other's hands for support and simultaneously squealed when the situation sunk in.

We stopped when we realized we're being too loud and remained quiet while grinning and holding each other.

We were careful as we haven't read the terms in the envelopes yet and we're not sure what the confidentiality agreement will cover.

We took a few minutes, composed ourselves and proceeded to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for everyone to downplay the news.

I kept looking over Ryujin while she's preparing the utensils on the other end of the kitchen island. And she kept looking at me, too.

I could get used to this.

Turns out, being liked feels quite nice.

Especially when someone like Ryujin is on the other end of it. 

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