.4 family ties

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It's Friday morning and the students of The Salvatore School are all waiting for classes to end and when the bell finally rings they all leave right away

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It's Friday morning and the students of The Salvatore School are all waiting for classes to end and when the bell finally rings they all leave right away.

Sophia is walking down the hall with Hope.

They're talking, then some familiar faces make them stop in their tracks.

It's Freya and Rebekah.

"Hello, my beautiful nieces." Rebekah tells them.

They both smile, and right away hug both of their aunts.

"What are you guys doing here?" Sophia asks.

"We just wanted to check up on you girls and Nik." Freya tells them.

Then Sophia, sees Josie walking she waves her over and instantly smiles when she sees Josie walking over to her.

Both Rebekah and Freya poke at her.

"Look at Sophia, being so in love." Rebekah says and Sophia rolls her eyes playfully.

Josie gets there and smiles at everyone.

"Family reunion?" She says sarcastically hugging both Rebekah and Freya.

"Kinda minus, Kol, and Davina." Freya says with a chuckle.

"It's good to see you though, after the little visit you guys did while traveling." Rebekah tells Josie.

"Which by the way we need to talk about this prophecy problem." Freya tells Sophia. 

"Yeah, I know I know." She tells her.

"Marcel is here?" Hope then asks and Rebekah nods.

"He ran into Damon and they started talking about some cars." Rebekah says and they all chuckle.

With that they all go outside the school to talk and catch up Nik is also there he's with Freya and Keelin.

Hope is talking with Rebekah and Josie while Sophia sits there.

All the people she loves the most are there and all she can think about is how she would do anything to protect them, always.

So the thought of something happening to them or Josie panics her a little but she doesn't admit that out loud.

"What are you thinking about?" Marcel then says from behind her.

She smiles and they hug.

"Nothin, just happy you guys are here and so is Hope I can tell she missed all of us." Sophia tells him.

"Yeah we talked a couple times, how was the traveling by the way?" He asks her.

She sighs softly.

"It was.. amazing all of it especially since I had the perfect partner." Sophia says referring to Josie.

A Love That Consumes You 2 • Sophia M Mikaelson • Josie Saltzman Where stories live. Discover now