Chapter Ten

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Well shit. I have no idea which way I'm going. I walked down the hallway leading down from Heisenberg's room, and go down the staircase at the end of it. Beyond that, I'm completely lost. I clench my jaw, breathing through my teeth. Alright (Y/N), are we going left or right? 

Taking a peek down each end of the hallway, I decide to go left. The hallway is long, and the further I go down it, the louder the noises of machinery gets. I'm probably not going the right way, considering the front of the building really isn't that noisy, but my curiosity gets the best of me. 

I can feel the change in temperature as I make my way down the hallway, the chilly air raising goosebumps on my arms. For whatever reason it's colder down here, and I can feel a pit beginning to grow in my stomach. Something about the place doesn't feel right, but I can't say why. It's probably just because the place is unfamiliar to me, but still, it feels odd. The walls are dirty and show their age, with rusty pipes running along the top. With each step I take it almost feels like the floor below me is creaking, accompanied by the occasional crunch from stepping on random chunks of glass or garbage. It's filthy in here. 

I come upon a few different doors, and the hallway comes to a spilt. The sound of machinery is much louder now, and the grinding of old gears is almost painful to listen to. I inspect each of the doors, not sure which one to go through, before ultimately deciding on the closest one to my left. The door creaks softly as I open it, and I'm met with a... questionable room. It's some sort of medical room, although I'm not sure what use a building like this would need that for. The room has counters on both sides, with medical supplies that isn't in the best condition. There are syringes that are beginning to rust, scalpels that are dulled, and things that look like pliers that I don't even want to guess the use for. In the middle of the room there's a shiny metal operating table, equipped with thick leather straps on both sides. I take a step back, feeling more creeped out about it then I'd like to admit. In what situation would someone need to be strapped down like that..?

There's a sudden screech from loudspeakers in the building, making me flinch. Where even were those damned things?

"You shouldn't be in there." Heisenberg's voice echoed through the speaker. 

"What the hell dude?!" I look around, trying to figure out how he was doing that. "At least give me a warning next time!"

"I told you not to sneak around," I can hear the frustration in his voice. "Get out, for the love of god."

I take a few steps backwards out of the room, slamming the door in front of me. I turn in a circle, looking at whatever imaginary cameras were there. 

"I wasn't trying to snoop around, your whole stupid factory looks the same." I complain. I begrudgingly go back the way I came, going all the way down the hallway before getting to a familiar, beat up door. The door opens by itself before I can even grab the doorknob, and there stood Heisenberg, radiating his usual air of annoyance. He grabbed me by the wrist, pulling me into the room as the door slammed behind me.

"Jesus christ, calm down," I said, yanking my wrist away from him. "You don't need to be so ma-"

"I'm not mad," He took in a deep breath, trying to compose himself. "But you really need to be more careful next time. There are things in there that can get you hurt."

I couldn't help but smile a bit at his comment. This was probably the first time he had shown the slightest bit of concern to me. I rolled my eyes, setting my bag down on the floor and walking over to his desk where there was a roll of bandages. I grabbed them and started wrapping up my left arm, starting at my wrist. I wanted to keep the eyes on my arms covered, even though I had gotten used to seeing with them. Just because I could see with them didn't mean I wanted to look at them.

"Well thanks for the concern old man, but I'm sure I'll be fine." I sarcastically replied. He muttered curses under his breath, pacing over to me and grabbing my arm once more, tightly wrapping the bandage around it.

"Look kid, you can't even control your mutation as it is, and until then I kinda need you around. So I'd appreciate it if you didn't try go and get yourself killed. You don't know what's in here." He said as he wrapped up my arm. I looked at him tilting my head. 

"What's in here then? It can't be that bad, it's just machinery." I asked, not really seeing how anything in a factory could be so dangerous. Sure, I'm not a mechanic, but I knew general safety rules. If I'm not messing with the machines then there's no way I'd get hurt. 

He huffed, ignoring my questions and continuing to wrap up my arm. I decided to leave it alone, he was clearly in a mood today. Besides, I was feeling better than usual and I didn't want to ruin that. I had finally been able to shower, and now I had fresh bandages to hide the hideous eyes covering my arms. Maybe things were going in a better direction? Maybe I could see Jack again soon. 

Heisenberg finished wrapping up my arm, securing the bandage before starting on the next one. His hands were calloused and scarred, with dark smudges of grease around his fingers from whatever it was he had been working on earlier. It was one of the few times I had really gotten to look at the scars going up his hands and arms. They were all relatively small, but some of them looked like they had once been very deep. I wanted to know where they came from, but it would be no surprise if he refused to tell me. It felt like there were so many important things about him that I was missing. Things I probably needed to know. He's too secretive for me to figure anything out, though. 

"I need you to do something a little different today, guard dog." Heisenberg started, still gently wrapping my arm up. "I need you to go over to Beneviento's place. I know Miranda's up to something and that freak knows about it. She was at the church the other day and I can only assume it was because Miranda called her there."

I pursed my lips and nodded my head, taking a moment to think about it. I'd seen Donna around before, but I didn't know her all too well. She seemed pretty normal except for that doll thing, and I'd never been the biggest fan of dolls. It honestly scared me a bit. 

"Alright, but I can't promise I'll get much out of her. She seems pretty quiet." I said. He nodded his head some, and let out a tired sigh. 

"It won't be easy, but any information is good information. She also seems to like you, so she might be comfortable with talking for once."

I quickly ran my hands over the bandages on my arms, and then grabbed my bag off the table, slinging it over my shoulder. 

"Guess I'll get going then." I said. "If I'm not back by tomorrow, that damned doll gave me a heart attack." 

Heisenberg chuckled, sitting back down at his desk and working once more on some random blue prints. "Don't die just yet, guard dog." He called out as I walked through the door. I rolled my eyes as the door shut behind me, taking in a deep breath of fresh air. It was always nice to get out of that place. Now I just needed to work up the courage to make it over to Donna's. Like I said, I hated dolls. If I was lucky, I'd make it out of there without crying.

Guard Dog (Karl Heisenberg x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now