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Before you read this, I'd like to add that this first part may be a bit boring. This is just to add some background information. I promise the story will get more interesting!


Five years ago, at the age of 21, I had finally saved up enough money to move out of the small Romanian village I'd grown up in. I'll admit, it was quite a big change. Before that, I hadn't known much outside of the snowy little town other than the mountains and forest. Naturally, the rest of the world always fascinated me. So when the time came, England was more amazing than I had imagined. 

It started with me working at a bookstore in London. It was nothing much, just enough for me to get by. I quite enjoyed my job, even though it had me living in a rather small apartment. Fast forward two years, and I meet him. Jack Brown, a rather tall, blond haired man, who happened to be a year older than myself. Turns out, we both had something in common, and that was being a bookworm.

Before I knew it, Jack had given me his phone number and took me on a date. Three years later, I've suddenly found myself engaged to him. Honestly, I couldn't be happier. We share a beautiful apartment in London, his family is wonderful, and he's even agreed to come out and meet mine. Of course, I've stayed in contact with my family this whole time, but only by calls on the phone. It's been a whole five years since I've seen them, and I've been dying to go back.  I never imagined that I would come back engaged.

"Take a right, here." I directed him, watching him amused as he hesitantly turned the car we were in. 

"Are you sure this right? We're awfully far out into the woods, aren't we?" Jack said, nervousness soaking through his voice.

"Oh, don't be such a baby! I know these woods by heart. I did live here for 21 years." I chuckled. "Besides, I know you're only nervous because you're meeting my parents for the first time."

"And you live in the middle of a forest. For all I know, you're taking me out here to kill me." He joked. I jabbed him in the shoulder with my elbow and rolled my eyes.

"If you get lucky, I'll let you live!" 

"Oh, the horror!"

He pulled our tiny car up to the front of the village, the roads suddenly becoming more cramped than before. The car rolled to a stop. Jack peered around through the windshield, inspecting the closely placed houses. Beyond those, a massive castle loomed over the town, casting an eerie shadow over the creaky wooden buildings.

"Just like I remember it," I whispered, a small smile forming on my face. I was so excited to be back. Even better, we were here during the beginning of the summer, so Jack was getting to see my hometown when it wasn't cold and gray. 

"Those are some small roads. Should I just park here? The walk can't be too long." He asked me. 

"Yeah, let's park off to the side. Our house isn't too far from here." 

Jack rolled the car over to the side of the road, parking it underneath a large tree. We both got out of the car, stepping out into the warm summer air. I took in a deep breath, smelling the nostalgic scent of pine and rain for the first time in years. It was good to be back.

As I took in my surroundings, Jack walked back over to me, our suitcases rolling behind him. He quickly locked our car, and looked at me with anxious eyes. 

"Ready?" He asked.

"Yup! C'mon, my parents are going to love you!"

Together we walked up a surprisingly steep road, taking weird twists and turns down little alleyways to find my childhood home. After a good five minutes of walking, which admittedly had us exhausted in the heat of the day, we had arrived. I turned to Jack, giving him a reassuring smile as we walked up to the door. I knocked three times and waited for the door to open.

"(Y/N)?" My mother said as she opened the door. I grinned at the older woman, watching as her eyes widened and she reached out to touch my face. "Dear lord, look at how much older you are! I can't believe how long it's been!"

"You've gotten older, too." I laughed. "Last I saw you, your hair wasn't this gray." 

Ignoring my comment with a roll of her eyes, she looked over to Jack, looking him up and down as if she were inspecting him. He straightened his posture, looking quite nervous under her gaze.

"And I'm guessing you're the fiancé that I've been hearing about?" She said mischievously. 

"Haha, that's me. My name is Jack Brown, it's really nice to meet you, Miss." He stretched out his hand for her to shake. She laughed, pulling him into a hug.

"Don't be so formal! We're all family." 

He grinned awkwardly, brushing a hand through his blond hair. 

"Now come on in, there's much to talk about." She said, turning around and going through the door. We followed her in, closing the worn, wooden door behind us. Jack gave me a look, and I could tell he was a bit uncomfortable. 

"She's lived in the woods her whole life, expect more of this from her." I whispered to him with a giggle, attempting to explain my mother's overly friendly behavior. People in London were much colder than the ones in my village, and I knew it would take him time to adjust. "Remember that on our wedding day." I grin. 

We walked into the kitchen where my mother waited. Along with her were my father and older brother, Klaus. With a quick hug and greeting from my father, I was finally able to see my favorite (and only) brother. 

"Who's the blond?" He asked with a chuckle. 

"Oh, I dunno, just my fiancé I guess." I smiled, watching as my father inspected him. Jack looked a bit terrified, flinching as my father clapped him on the back and brought him over to the table. 

"I never thought I'd see you, of all people, getting married." He said, leaning back on the kitchen counter as if he were admiring me. Of course, knowing him, it was probably the opposite. 

"I'll take that as a good thing. How's Lily?" I asked.

"She's doing pretty good, though she's itching to get back to the city. We're thinking of moving out. She says it's a better place to raise kids, but I feel like we'd do better right here. Y'know, with the grandparents being here and all." He crossed his arms, rolling his eyes.

"I see you two have been arguing. Guess that's something I have to prepare for." I say, giving him a playful smile. He groaned.

"Oh, don't even get me started on it. Yesterday we were arguing over what type of soap to buy." We both laughed. As our laughter calmed down, he gave what almost felt like a look of sympathy. Or maybe it was pity? I couldn't tell. 

"You really love him, don't you?" He asked me, a frown almost forming on his face.

"Of course I do."

"Then you know you're going to have to see Mother Miranda."

"I know..."


Hello everyone! I really hoped you enjoyed this first part of the story. Before Heisenberg is actually introduced, there'll be a few chapters to set the scene. It's going to get a bit dramatic, so I hope you're prepared! If you're enjoying this so far, please vote and leave a comment :)

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